
Showing posts with the label Microsoft Excel

Fraction Magic algorithm exposed in 2020 Election

 Dr Douglas Frank explains how he cracked the code used to hijack the 2020 presidential election.  In  statistics , the correlation coefficient  r  measures the strength and direction of a linear relationship between two variables on a  scatterplot . The value of  r  is always between +1 and –1. To interpret its value, see which of the following values your correlation  r  is closest to: Exactly  – 1.  A perfect downhill (negative) linear relationship – 0.70.  A strong downhill (negative) linear relationship – 0.50.  A moderate downhill (negative) relationship – 0.30.  A weak downhill (negative) linear relationship 0.  No linear relationship +0.30.  A weak uphill (positive) linear relationship +0.50.  A moderate uphill (positive) relationship +0.70.  A strong uphill (positive) linear relationship Exactly +1.  A perfect uphill (positive) linear relationship.. Below is the algorithm used by...