
Showing posts with the label rt news

Russian Media Spins News Reminiscent of America Election Fraud and COVID News

The tactic of spin doctoring news stories rings true for both the Russian news and American News.   What's the difference? Russian News Examples Russian news is a government censored and run machine with stories that favor their government's perspective.   "(Japanese prime minister)  Kishida said, arguing that, what he called, Russia's 'aggression"'has threatened the international order and peace. "-RT The entire article insinuates Russia is not an or the  aggressor , but America is, Avoiding the whole topic of  Ukraine. Russian even trolls America leaving out Context "Japan is the only country to have been the victim of a nuclear assault, with the US bombing Hiroshima and Nagasaki, during World War II. "  Japan refused to surrender when it decided to drop the first bomb. Japan was considered a potential target for invasion by the US. Durin...