
Showing posts with the label vouchers

Greedy Government schools Fear Parental Choice

In Ohio, the  statewide average is well over $15,500 per pupil to educate a student. Vouchers cost taxpayers approximately half of that amount.  Yet school districts in Ohio and the teachers' unions are suing because they want even more? Upper Arlington, suburban district bordering Columbus, Ohio,  have over 6,400 students.  300 of these students currently use vouchers to opt into different schools outside of the district's control.  The average teacher salary is fifth highest in Ohio at $91,306 allocate $17,677 per pupil.   Using Upper Arlington as an example, if you are one of the 300 students that take advantage of a school voucher, the school loses the state money because that state money is now going to be used at his or her new school.  However, the school still has the property tax money, which in Upper Arlington is a very significant amount. Per people this is a net gain, financially since they are required to fund the instruction of one o...

Escape from Uncle Sam's Plantation

  Description A teacher for over two decades, Edward Temple knows all about what your kids are learning in school. He has teaching experience in rural schools and big city schools in Florida, Pennsylvania, and in Ohio. He has wanted to speak out for many years but feared losing his job. Mr. Temple finally made the escape and is now teaching at a Christian school where he has the freedom to expose the truth.

Escape from Uncle Sam's Plantation

    ZENITH 5.0 out of 5 stars Championing the Family over Government Control Reviewed in the United States on May 24, 2020 Why should you read “Escape from Uncle Sam’s Plantation”, a book by EJ “Ed” Temple about the ongoing battle between the forces of slavery represented by public-sector labor unions and the forces for good represented by millions of parents who wish their children to be free from government-enforced notions of collectivism, borderless societies and replacing the family with a godless rigor of obedience to the state? The reasons are many but in sum, there is an ongoing battle between two forces that are fighting for the minds of your children. You as a parent, or person concerned with the future of the United States, have to make a decision: do you fight for your children’s’ freedom or do you succumb to the tragic forces of collectivism? The author, EJ “Ed” temple is a very experienced teacher who is passionate about his role affecting children and has experi...