
Showing posts with the label hackers

Undoing What made American elections legitimate

In 2020 many experts were being called on by every mainstream media outlet and magazine describing how vulnerable the American election system was and still is.  After Joe Biden was declared the winner of the 2020 election all the experts seemed go away.  But let's take a look at what they were saying and what just happened to get to the truth. Aug 2020 Time Magazine's expert had this to say Dmitri Alperovitch, who co-founded CrowdStrike and worked as its chief technology officer, said he is worried about attacks on voting infrastructure, such as voter databases, vote tallying systems and vote reporting systems. Alperovitch said his "biggest concern" is the "hackability of our election systems, both from the influence side as well as the voting perspective.   I can tell you from my experience that voting is the hardest thing to secure when it comes to cybersecurity. It is literally the hardest problem out there," he said." Microsoft, September 10th 2020...