Did you know what the Largest Teacher's Union is Promoting?
The latest National Education Association magazine, NEA Today is promoting quite a few controversial issues and techniques that should scare every American parent. In the article Teaching in the Era of Polarization, Tim Walker claims that many educators believe the stakes are way too high to maintain neutrality in the classroom. It's no wonder in the video below the Utah teacher was recently fired for taking this approach." An Alpine District official explained the firing stating, "This simply won't be tolerated. Teachers need to teach the core curriculum." In other words shut up the progressive talking points and teach the curriculum. Ironically Kelly Keogh teaches his students there are no both sides, cited Charlottesville protest where he claims Donald Trump said neo-nazis were good people. Let's use this opinion of his as a perfect example why all teachers should allow for instruction of all sides of the issue. Mr Keogh is incorrect on hi...