
Showing posts with the label no taxes

The Man behind global chaos pays no federal taxes

  George Soros is a man who believes the United States and her constitutional republic must be weakened and its allies degraded as the last leg standing in order to form a "just world".  For Soros,  world order is established by open borders and global governance, ideally anything that is in opposition to Western Civilization.  And Soros uses his billionaire federal  tax-free dollars to throw the world into the chaos he needs to fulfill his plans. U.K . The British pound was devalued, launching a tsunami of financial turmoil from Tokyo to Rome. When it was over, millions of hardworking Britons confronted their diminished savings, while Soros counted his gains. Hungary The "Stop Soros" package of bills serves that goal, making the organization of illegal immigration a criminal offence. We want to use the bills to stop Hungary from becoming a country of immigrants." Russia In a statement released Monday morning, Russia's General Prosecutor's Office said t...