Racism Score at Dotheworkshop.com

Check out this compelling website mentioned in the documentary Am I a Racist. The documentary uses experts, in their own words to explain how "inherently racist" (ONLY white) people are. Effectively this documentary is the most hilariously enlightening documentary ever made. How did he pull this documentary off? Dinesh D'Souza's documentaries are top-of-the-line and have had a huge impact, opening eyes to what most would have never been exposed to. It is impressive how True the Vote, Project Veritas, and now James O'Keefe have uncovered incredibly compelling evidence of what has been called, at best, "conspiracy theories". Often these documentaries used undercover imposters to get evidence never before uncovered, like blatant election fraud or profiting from selling baby parts. Matt Walsh's Am I a Racist is hilarious, but the documentary's revelations are equally scary. To culminate the compelling and creative documentary Matt Walsh poses...