Greedy Government schools Fear Parental Choice
In Ohio, the statewide average is well over $15,500 per pupil to educate a student. Vouchers cost taxpayers approximately half of that amount. Yet school districts in Ohio and the teachers' unions are suing because they want even more? Upper Arlington, suburban district bordering Columbus, Ohio, have over 6,400 students. 300 of these students currently use vouchers to opt into different schools outside of the district's control. The average teacher salary is fifth highest in Ohio at $91,306 allocate $17,677 per pupil. Using Upper Arlington as an example, if you are one of the 300 students that take advantage of a school voucher, the school loses the state money because that state money is now going to be used at his or her new school. However, the school still has the property tax money, which in Upper Arlington is a very significant amount. Per people this is a net gain, financially since they are required to fund the instruction of one o...