Is Biden Busted? You Decide.

Below is a BOMBSHELL Flashback video just released by the (late to be honest) AP
that involves machines using the same voting software as in America.  After watching the video you should immediately see the connection between what recently happened in Venezuela being eerily similar to the 2020 presidential election in America.

Peter Neffenger, currently Chairman of the Board of Smartmatic in the U.S., is part of Joe Biden’s transition team at the Department of Homeland Security.

Smartmatic's holding company is chaired by an associate of influential Hungarian-born billionaire George Soros. Neffenger is also a member of a think-tank that recently received funding from the Ukrainian firm that employed Biden's son.

In 2005, Smartmatic bought Sequoia Voting Systems, a much larger and more established company based in Oakland, California. At the time, Sequoia had installed voting equipment in 17 U.S. states and Washington.

According to a Dominion statement that has since been all but scrubbed from the internet, aside from a file saved by journalist Brad Friedman, the company announced on June 4, 2010, that it had “acquired the assets of Sequoia Voting Systems, a major U.S. provider of voting solutions serving nearly 300 jurisdictions in 16 states.”

 Dominion has acquired Sequoia’s inventory and all intellectual property, including software, firmware and hardware, for Sequoia.

Dominion’s high powered firm includes a long-time aide to Nancy Pelosi. The software tallies American votes through computers in Venezuela and Spain. 

Listen to the Freudian slip by Joe Biden.

DePerno Law Firm explained to the Gateway Pundit that "the vote flipped based on the algorithm. It can be done manually or through a machine." This is "either a function of the program or it's done offsite" and "then sent back to the system" after it was adjudicated "or it was done internally in the program."

This proves that the alleged glitches of vote flipping that were discovered during the hearing of the Trump legal team with state legislators and whistleblowers were not human error but machine errors.

The Deperno team as well as Dr. Douglas Frank and other experts are uncovering what appears to be widespread voter fraud that overturned the 2020 presidential election.
The only real question is how much was Joe Biden involved?


1,061 phantom ballots discovered in Antrim,
 nearly 100% turnout between ages 65 and 80,
and 20.3% of all ballots sent to PO boxes.



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