Undoing What made American elections legitimate

In 2020 many experts were being called on by every mainstream media outlet and magazine describing how vulnerable the American election system was and still is.  After Joe Biden was declared the winner of the 2020 election all the experts seemed go away.  But let's take a look at what they were saying and what just happened to get to the truth.

Aug 2020 Time Magazine's expert had this to say

Dmitri Alperovitch, who co-founded CrowdStrike and worked as its chief technology officer, said he is worried about attacks on voting infrastructure, such as voter databases, vote tallying systems and vote reporting systems.

Alperovitch said his "biggest concern" is the "hackability of our election systems, both from the influence side as well as the voting perspective.  I can tell you from my experience that voting is the hardest thing to secure when it comes to cybersecurity. It is literally the hardest problem out there," he said."

Microsoft, September 10th 2020, observed that:

Strontium, operating from Russia, has attacked more than 200 organizations including political campaigns, advocacy groups, parties and political consultants

Zirconium, operating from China, has attacked high-profile individuals associated with the election, including people associated with the Joe Biden for President campaign and prominent leaders in the international affairs community

Phosphorus, operating from Iran, has continued to attack the personal accounts of people associated with the Donald J. Trump for President campaign

Office of the Director of National Intelligence

Intelligence Report: Russia, Iran Conducted Influence Operations in 2020 Election.

What's interesting is the careful wording of the ODNI, "Unlike in 2016, we did not see persistent Russian cyber efforts to gain access to election infrastructure." Translated, Russia definitely attempted to hack the US election voting machines. 

U.S. officials admitted that systems containing election-related information from two counties in two separate states were successfully hacked by the Russian effort. 


David Kennedy, a former NSA hacker, argued that Russian President Vladimir Putin is connected to the actions of DarkSide, which is allegedly behind the cyberattack on Colonial Pipeline.

The Pentagon, intelligence agencies, nuclear labs and Fortune 500 companies use software that was found to have been compromised by Russian hackers. 


Dominion Voting Systems uses SolarWinds products, but has recently removed a reference link to SolarWinds from their official website. Dominion has been criticized recently for their potential role involving mass voter fraud in the 2020 US election.

Voting machines are the easiest systems to hack according to the experts.  If the Russians and other foreign countries are hacking into sophisticated federal agencies, no logical person would believe these same foreign entities would not use their hacking skills to manipulate us elections.

Cybersecurity executive and former NASA analyst, Russ Ramsland, testified that in Wayne County, Michigan, where Dominion Voting Systems equipment was used, 46 out of 47 precincts in the county displayed greater than a 96% voter turnout. 25 out of those precincts showed a 100% voter turnout.

IT expert on SolarWinds

"SolarWinds has a scripting tool capable of automated task scheduling for configuration management. So say you had 1000 or more voting machines spread across the country. You could build scripts to download data from or upload data to rapidly in seconds. SolarWinds services and accounts are granted elevated permissions on equipment to perform these tasks. Hackers could take over a company’s SolarWinds management server to use as a “zombie” and orchestrate attacks on voting machines from all over making it difficult to track."

Expert election prophet 2020 

Data-security expert Harri Hursti hacked into one of the state’s commonly used voting machines to test its vulnerability. The verdict wasn’t reassuring. By modifying just a few lines of code on the machine’s memory card, Mr. Hursti says, he could change the results of a mock election. That same model, he adds, will be among those used in the 2020 elections. (A spokesperson for the machine’s vendor, Dominion Voting, says that these weaknesses were fixed in 2012, but Mr. Hursti says that he has tested the new version and found the updates insufficient.)

The Cyber War on America’s Elections,” about far-reaching security breaches in multiple U.S. elections that he says have gone unfixed. He warns that both the American political establishment and the public are far too complacent. “Once you understand how everything works, you understand how fragile everything is and how easy it is to lose this all.

Mr. Hursti says that he found more than 1,000 such machines for sale on eBay : A hacker, he notes, could simply buy one, study it and learn how to connect to it remotely.

What (supposedly) made American elections secure?

U.S. Election Assistance Commissioner Thomas Hicks, who once said that American election results were secure in part because the voting machines can’t connect to the internet.

Why aren't American elections secure?

For undoing what the experts said made them secure.  Because they are connected to the internet. 

Last year, with our allies and over two dozen computer security experts, NEDC sent this letter to the Department of Homeland Security and the U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC) is the federal agency responsible for creating federal guidelines for voting systems and certifying equipment to those standards. We urged the agencies to encourage states to discontinue the use of wireless modems.

The FBI and Department of Homeland Security have confirmed that our foreign adversaries have targeted election networks in all fifty states for cyber attacks. The EAC must take these warning deadly seriously and pass the VVSG with an added ban on wireless modems and Internet connectivity in voting systems. 

U.S. Slaps New Sanctions On Russia Over Cyberattack, Election Meddling

So much for the most secure election ever!The Russian hacking SolarWinds it's just further proof of what many are now recognizing as the obvious.  We have a huge problem with cyber security which includes widespread election fraud.









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