
Assassins were both in BlackRock commercials

Tony Brock is Not Guilty

You don't have to be a lawyer to understand that the media have once again failed to do their job.  In fact a grand jury in 2023 refused to indict Tony Brock.  This case should never make it to court. X account  has 26,000 followers.   Never once is Tony showed one hint of racial preference since I've known him for the last two decades, yet this foolish and ignorant mindset is given oxygen because the media never did their homework and told the actual story the jury heard, a clear self-defense case.  Tony Brock's mother should never have had to dip into hard-earned retirement savings to bail out her son.  I have known Tony Brock for decades, and he is one of the best and decent men that I have ever met.   Tony has his own business that he tries to put neighborhood kids to work and as always there to help anyone who ever asks.   Tony grew up in a rough neighborhood and had a tough life, but managed to get his college degree and has always had a desire to help out his communi

Obama and Kamala both esposed for this EXTREMELY Disturbing Position

 If you have paid attention to the perspective and emphasis of the Democrats, you realize they are a three-position party.  Climate change, LGBTQ, and abortion are on their minds, and voting ballots are nearly daily.  So it is not surprising there are never speakers at their conventions that are pro-life, and it is no surprise that their darling leaders, Kamala and Obama, are the most radical when it comes to aborting children.   Politico, a very left-leaning online digital newspaper, wrote, that, " Barack Obama could favor denying legal protection to babies after they are born and the press wouldn’t bat an eyelash. In fact—he did."  As a state senator in Illinois, he voted against a bill that would protect a baby delivered alive.  He  opposed the “Born-Alive Infants Protection Act” three times. Accordig to Politico,"  In 2007, he told the Planned Parenthood Action Fund that his first act as president would be signing the Freedom of Choice Act. The act would enshrine in

Christians Should Avoid Disney's Deadpool and Wolverine

Disney has outdone itself once again. Deadpool and Wolverine will be likely cringeworthy for most moviegoers, but blasphemous. for Christians.   The main character, Deadpool, played by Ryan Reynolds, is the worst offender of the anti-Christian dialogue, or diatribe.  Saying the Lord's name in vain (God****) and calling God "her" were trolling by Disney.  Let's not forget that Deadpool calls himself "The Marvel Jesus".  Fixation on sexuality seems to be a theme, especially homosexuality.  One character's name is Peter, and his costume is Zoomed In by the camera with a super large costume protrusion in the crotch area. One scene Wolverine and Deadpool are locked together in plenty of homosexual dialogue proceeds. Towards the end they make a sexual reference to a gay situation in the Boy Scouts.  Topping the religious mockery is some of the music playing in the background.  Indeed some of the lyrics and images in the video were deemed blasphemous by the Cat

Who's Lying? Secret Service or Local Police?

Ronald Rowe is answering questions in the Senate hearing today answering questions with answers that are not in line with with the local police have stated publicly.  They can't both be telling the truth.  The Secret Service had denied claims that it rejected requests for additional security at the July 13 rally at which Trump was shot, but the agency  later acknowledged  it had rejected such requests previously. ( Washington Post) Local Pilice Contradict Secret Service The Beaver Police ESU said they had no contact with the Secret Service until after the assassination attempt.  "We were supposed to get a face-to-face briefing with the Secret Service members whenever they arrived, and that never happened ," said Jason Woods, team leader for Beaver County's Emergency Services Unit and SWAT sniper section. The Pennsylvania State Police Commissioner Christopher Paris said two ESU snipers left their post (with a direct line of sight to shoot Crooks) to track down Crooks (

Democrats Destroy the Democracy, throwing Biden under the Bus

 Califonia Democrats have never faired  well in national elections, but I didn't keep Democrat powerbrokers from throwing Joe Biden under the bus. At 11Am, Biden's campaign manager said he was in it to win it.  The at 145 PM, a Joe Biden resignation signed. So in less than three hours after insisting he would stay in the race, President Biden agreed to step down as the presidential nominee for the Democrat Party.  What changed?  Joe Biden will resign as the second to end his campaign as the presumptive candidate and join Richard Nixon, who was forced out of the White House after the Watergate scandal forced him to resign two years into his second term,   Joe is being replaced with a woman he left media has suggested was hurting her ticket and didn't get along with their own staff.  Her favorability rating is 1% less than Joe Biden .  AOC just tweeted recently how many Democrats behind closed doors showed no affection for Kamala.   Kamala had a disastrous 2019 campaign and l

The Return of the same Crowdstrike and FBI helped Dems push Russia Hoax

The 2020 election, according to Democrat posters was a lot for Donald Trump .  And then the lab created Coronavirus changed everything. 2024 looks like a landslide victory for Trump, but a suspiscious attempted assaassination and global shutdowns due to a so-called Crowdstrike glitch, it is time to revisit this WEC ally  Crowdshare.  RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA Did CrowdStrike claim to have proof that Russia hacked the DNC? In 2016 and 2020 Crowdstrike publically made this claim. 2017 Shawn Henry questionef by the US House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence in December 2017 Henry was asked, "What about the emails that everyone is so, you know, knowledgeable of? Were there also indicators that they were prepared but not evidence that they actually were exfiltrated?" To this Henry responded, "There's not evidence that they were actually exfiltrated. There's circumstantial evidence - but no evidence that they were actually exfiltrated ." Former FBI Director Ja