The Return of the same Crowdstrike and FBI helped Dems push Russia Hoax

The 2020 election, according to Democrat posters was a lot for Donald Trump .  And then the lab created Coronavirus changed everything. 2024 looks like a landslide victory for Trump, but a suspiscious attempted assaassination and global shutdowns due to a so-called Crowdstrike glitch, it is time to revisit this WEC ally  Crowdshare. 


Did CrowdStrike claim to have proof that Russia hacked the DNC? In 2016 and 2020 Crowdstrike publically made this claim.

2017 Shawn Henry questionef by the US House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence in December 2017

Henry was asked, "What about the emails that everyone is so, you know, knowledgeable of? Were there also indicators that they were prepared but not evidence that they actually were exfiltrated?"

To this Henry responded, "There's not evidence that they were actually exfiltrated. There's circumstantial evidence - but no evidence that they were actually exfiltrated."

Former FBI Director James Comey also told Congress in 2017 that CrowdStrike “ultimately shared with us their forensics from their review of the system.” But the AP admitted the FBI never accessed the actual servers, just what Crowdstrike let them see. 

And James Comey led the investigation with the FBI?  

"The FBI knew the Trump-Russia collusion narrative was utter bunk even as it suggested otherwise to Congress, the courts and the public early in 2017. Evidence revealed by special counsel John Durham proves it beyond dispute. " (NY POST)

Comey let Hillary Clinton avoid significant prison time. Former mayor Giuliani said, “I’ve never heard of anyone in a criminal investigation who destroyed 34,000 records who didn’t get indicted.”

In 2020, answer your question about 500,000 to 1 million dollars worth Crowdstrike stock.

Chaos is the plan

"How many stars had to be born, only to explode, and how many planets had to collide, before the right conditions were developed for life? Similarly, a series of crises of capitalism inevitably leads the working class to the understanding that the system as a whole must go. The tendency to self-organisation in nature is only the basis for consciousness, which can reach perfection only in a liberated, socialist society, conscious of all of society’s needs." (

" 'Chaos theory,' at least in the popular version, is the study of unstable systems that can rapidly reach a tipping point where massive and radical change occurs—the point at which a seemingly stable equilibrium careens toward dangerous extremes." (Robert Tracinski)

Who gains power when chaos reigns?  Government, NGO's, and too big to fail companies.  The FBI and Crowdstrike certainly fit the bill. 


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