
21 Trillion Dollars Missing


Congress covid Money Laundering?

  From Codemonkey Congressional Covid Money Laundering  1. "Fauci and Friends" bioengineer a virus in a lab 2. Knowing the new virus is coming, Congressmen buy stock in vaccine producers like Pfizer and Moderna 3. Vaccines are purchased and subsidized by federal governments around the world (the ‘market’ is now ‘made’) 4. Money flows from governments to manufacturers 5. Private and public industry collude to green light billions of dollars to advertise vaccines, much of it coming from tax dollars. For each person vaccinated, Congress profits from their stock holdings in vaccine producers. Are there any restrictions on what stocks FDA, CDC, NIH, or NIIAD employees can trade in?

Since the 1800's Democrats using race to Divide

  Democrats seem to be pushing a script that the KKK has for many years unsuccessfully been able to accomplish.  The obsession with race, the vilification of anyone who has a different opinion in America, has transitioned to BLM, but is very much as oppressive as the KKK, who historically have had a strong hold in the party as well. "Democrats have done far more than Republicans to sabotage the progress of Black people over the past century-and-a-half. Not surprisingly, the biased, dishonest media has concealed the lies of liberal Democrats and fanned the flames of racism." (The Gainesville Times, D. Biggs) Jesse Lee Peterson said, "... because of so many black peoples’ unthinking allegiance to the Democratic Party (which is absolutist on abortion and does not permit serious expressions of pro-life sentiment), black people fail to recognize the clear similarity between their history and the plight of the pre-born today, and are some of the most ardent supporters of abort

Rand Paul threatens Fauci with criminal referral


Covid-19 Whistleblowers Silenced

  Link to censored video below Ostensibly to protect Dr Fauci, YouTube is no longer silencing theories that blame China for the coronavirus pandemic. But what about Dr Fauci? Bill Gates and Dr. Fauci both said years ago Trump would face a ‘surprise global disease outbreak’. Wei Jingsheng, the Chinese government spread the virus deliberately at the military-themed tournament at least two months before COVID-19 became known to the rest of the world. Dr. Li Meng Yan, a Chinese virologist who defected to the U.S. is certain the Chinese government developed COVID-19 at the Wuhan facility and intentionally released it. Dr. Francis Boyle : COVID-19 originated out of that Wuhan BSL4 as a biological warfare weapon. It basically starts with SARS, and SARS is a weaponized version of coronavirus, brought it to a laboratory at the University of North Carolina that is a BSL3, biosafety lab level 3, where the virus was further weaponized with the approval of Dr. Fauci . Dr. Rand Paul says Dr. Fauci

Escape from Uncle Sam's Plantation

  Description A teacher for over two decades, Edward Temple knows all about what your kids are learning in school. He has teaching experience in rural schools and big city schools in Florida, Pennsylvania, and in Ohio. He has wanted to speak out for many years but feared losing his job. Mr. Temple finally made the escape and is now teaching at a Christian school where he has the freedom to expose the truth.

"Dark Winter" is Code

  Watch  Dark Winter Plandemic