Since the 1800's Democrats using race to Divide


Democrats seem to be pushing a script that the KKK has for many years unsuccessfully been able to accomplish.  The obsession with race, the vilification of anyone who has a different opinion in America, has transitioned to BLM, but is very much as oppressive as the KKK, who historically have had a strong hold in the party as well.

"Democrats have done far more than Republicans to sabotage the progress of Black people over the past century-and-a-half. Not surprisingly, the biased, dishonest media has concealed the lies of liberal Democrats and fanned the flames of racism." (The Gainesville Times, D. Biggs)

Jesse Lee Peterson said, "... because of so many black peoples’ unthinking allegiance to the Democratic Party (which is absolutist on abortion and does not permit serious expressions of pro-life sentiment), black people fail to recognize the clear similarity between their history and the plight of the pre-born today, and are some of the most ardent supporters of abortion on demand."

"The Democratic Party has never shed its racist past. Today the party fights vigorously against school choice and voter ID laws, both overwhelmingly supported by minority communities. Its leaders support abandoning crime-ridden Black communities by its “defund the police” movement. It zealously supports expensive and unreliable “renewable” energy, which hurts the poor and minorities, and its environmental land use policies are the equivalent of yesterday’s restrictive covenants that redlined minorities." (Deb Bucknam, vice chair of the Vermont Republican Party)

The Democrats’ latest racist push is critical race theory, which denigrates the courage, sacrifice and enormous achievements of Black Americans, while pushing for resegregation through so-called “affinity groups.” As they say, a tiger doesn’t change its stripes. 

Democrats have cornered the racism market for sure has they have adopted many of the BLM demands. Democrats have undermined minority communities through low school standards, drug legalization, and rampant decriminalization.

“Democrats used to be the party of the KKK and white supremacy,” Walker tweeted.  Now, they’re the party of BLM and black supremacy. Both are equally dangerous. All lives matter.”

Democrats and the teachers unions are tied at the hip. You won't find a Democrat politician supporting school choice because the Democratic party is funded in large part by the teacher unions. 

The national public high school graduation rates are 59 percent for Black male students, 65 percent for Latino males, and 80 percent for White, non-Latino males.  Yet you can count on your hands nationally any Democrat that will speak in favor of school choice, instead would rather be beholden to the teacher unions and trap kids in dangerous failing schools, the new plantation, if you will.  

In the video above Christina Laster speaks about being pressured to leave the NAACP because she supported school choice.  Just like the Democratic political party, the teachers union funds organizations in such a way that they become the "Plantation Overseers" keeping anyone from leaving the plantation or attempting to seek greener pastures.  KKK members are smiling because of this segregation enforcement trapping minorities. 

BLM Demands (After months of rioting...)

Speaking at the Democratic National Convention’s virtual party platform meeting on Monday, BLM co-founder Patrisse Cullors issued a list of “around 10” amendments to the party platform which included reparations; enacting the BREATHE Act; defunding police; changing policing tactics such as abolishing mandatory minimums; repealing and replacing the 1994 crime bill; decriminalizing and expunging drug-related charges; and removing police from schools, reports say.

The KKK took part in terrorist raids against Blacks and white Republicans. They used intimidation, destroyed property, assaulted and killed in an effort to influence upcoming elections.  

Black Lives Matter, founded by self-described trained Marxists, just like the KKK NAZI (socialists) with a stated goal of disrupting Western Civilization traditions and values. 

CRT is the ideology driving Black Lives Matter organization.  CRT starts with the premise that the United States is rooted in white supremacy and that this white supremacy is system that is backed by laws that keeps the white supremacy going. This inherent racism is the excuse for any disparity in outcome, such as that drug convictions and death penalty.

Did you know that the Democratic Party founded the KKK and fought against every major civil rights act in U.S. history? Watch as Carol Swain, professor of political science at Vanderbilt University, shares the inconvenient history of the Democratic Party.

The KKK quickly pushed Democrats to reestablish white supremacy across the region with measures like black codes – laws that restricted the ability of blacks to own property and run businesses. And they imposed poll taxes and literacy tests, used to subvert the black citizen’s right to vote.

The Democratic party has switched its allegiances but has kept its theme of segregation, skin color focus, socialist elitist goals, and responding positively to violence and intimidation.  All of which seem to negatively impact the constituents to which they claim to be protecting and uplifting. 


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