
Showing posts from August, 2019

Should parents have to pay twice if they leave the public school system?

What both sides think about education.

The connection with Darwinism, Socialism & Communism

Darwin Connection? Click Here.

One Nun says, "GET OUT of Public Schools'

Nun Says Escape the Government Schools!!!!!!

Powerful Democrat speaks out!

Should School Choice be a political football? A powerful former Democratic spokesperson speaks out!
What does the book Title Mean to you?
Choose a clip to discuss.. The School Choice Show Clips

Does Uncle Sam's Monopoly need to end?


Linda Harvey Exposes the NEA's Immoral Agenda.

NEA's Immoral Agenda exposed by Linda Harvey

What's the impact of Diminished Values in Schools?


You won't believe what is going on! Watch and post Reactions!

Life in Public Schools. Click Here!
Immigration's effect on Public Schools

Do Students benefits from having School Choice?

I want to know what you think!

What do you think about Darwin?

Darwin debunked?

Comments to Posts appreciated!

Glad you came to the Blog! PLEASE make comments.

Book Links

Book Trailer Book at Amazon Christian Faith Publishing Book at Barnes and Noble Book at Walmart Book on Audible

The School Choice Show and More! Click on the header!

PODCASTS Talking about the Book on George Espenlaub's Show The School Choice Show HOME Discussing School Choice Articles and the Teacher Unions SOCIAL MEDIA Choice Media on Instagram Choice Media on Facebook in August 2019 Choice Media March 2019 YOUTUBE March Choice Media Public School Persecution 2019 The School Choice Show Episode 1 2019 Anti-School Choice Teacher Unions

Opinion Editorials from the Author Ed Temple

#WhatisbestfortheKIDS August 8, 2019 I have had a lot of fun teaching so many unique and unforgettable students.  In my vast experiences teaching in three states with the poorest students to the most affluent, I can not say that the kids caused me to lose much sleep, but they did and still do bring me much joy and hope. However, the adults in charge of the schools and districts, as well as the politicians and unions, these people are in large part to blame. Schools can't control what happens at home, so the excuses about home life, though valid, focusing on this is not going to solve any math problems.  On the other hand, schools being forced by politicians to meet demands (that are often unreasonable) is a fight worth fighting.  We can join together lobby or protest the unintended consequences of these mandates. Unions should represent teachers, and teachers should do what is in the best interest of the kids they teach.  Therefore unions, should NOT be ag...
The School Choice Show and More!

The School Choice Show w/Author of Escape from Uncle Sam's Plantation Ed Temple

Why are unions against school choice?

Public School Persecution