African Americans and Latinos LOVE School Choice!!

Do Blacks and Hispanics support School Choice?


  1. I agree that schools should have School Choice because it is known that most minorities don't get very good income depending on where they live and parents want the best for their kids but some cannot afford the cost of good schools. In the article, it shows the graph of the vote people made in the situation and the majority of people who voted were minorities. It uses percentages to show that most people of color fail in public schools and people want the best for their kids and want them to be in private schools due to them being more known to be better than public schools. If the all vote for it, I think that they should get school choice. - Jasmine Fisher

  2. It is big that a good majority of millennials of color support school choice and not whites. It's interesting to see that those are the parents that want their kids to go to a school to get a better education. I think that it is good that the support of millennials serves as a wake up call to people who ignore school choice. -kennedy

  3. Yes, African Americans and Latinos love school choice because 79% of African Americans millennials support vouchers for from low-income families (support drops to 69% when extended to all income levels), and 65% support charter schools.

  4. African Americans and Hispanics support school choice. There is a high percentage of African Americans who support vouchers for students. Vouchers are helpful for people who have a low income family. Many African Americans and Latinos support charter schools. Low income students of all ethnicities appear to support vouchers to pay same of the tuition for students to attend private school. - Kyla

  5. I think that it is good that African Americans and Hispanics support school choice because this shows that there is still a large part of every type of community that cares about their education. School choice is good for low income families to get an easy free education that will help their child for the future. Everyone should be given a chance to get school choice. Y.M

    1. I agree, I think its very good that other people from other communities still care about where they get their education at. Its funny to me that the low income families care more than the good or well income families; and its the other races/cultured people that care more than whites. -jose

  6. I feel as though that African Americans and Hispanics supporting school choice is great. It actually shows that these two ethnics groups worry and care about there education. School choice is great cause it lets people choose how they wanna grow up and the education they are brought in. It also helps low income households as well as help children's future. -Jalen D

  7. African Americans and Latinos do like EdCoice, I think it should b continued to be available to those minority groups. Many people have the potential to be good students and our future. Not providing this would force these groups to be thrown into the bottom of the barrel schools. On the other hand people still take advantage of vouchers and don't take advantage of the opportunity that's in front of them. - Amari Winston

  8. i think they do like school choice because they could be surrounded by things that they are comfortable with. some people thrive in the environment they grew up in. say a latina went to mostly a hispanic school she may thrive in the environment socially and academically, just simple because she was comfortable. so i myself do believe we should have school of choice. - aleixia hall

  9. I think one of the biggest things that should be pointed out is no matter what color everybody deserves a quality education. POC in particular use vouchers because of the low income situations. Brianna Jones

  10. Hispanics and African americans do support school choice because some families may not have good income. On the charts that they showed a large amount of people support vouchers to pay for some of the tuition for students to attend private schools. - Eduardo G

  11. Yes, I strongly agree that African Americans and support school choice for many reasons. I mean they are the largest demographic group in America right now, between the ages of 18-34, this generation is young, diverse, opinionated, and increasingly powerful. I feel as the choice of their schooling can increase the amount of education that they deserve to have no matter if their low income students or high income students.-amari R.

  12. I think it is good that african Americans and latinos like ed choice. I think it is good that these races even with a low income can get an education.

  13. i feel that African Americans, and Latinos, do support Edchoice, which is good. It shows that they really want to work and be something good in life. Which is a great sign. and them not supporting Edchoice is not good it would force people to be in bad environments. and it may cause them to fail in school. -Manny Mullens

  14. I feel like African American and Latinos support school choice. People have a choice to be good students. Parents want there kids to have a great education. Some parents cant afford good school so they use vouchers.-MALIK R

  15. Yes, I feel as though they do support the school choice.The school choice helps make sure that everyone has an equal opportunity to succeed. Parents should'nt have to pay more than someone else for the same education. Every kid deserves a chance to make it big.-Tamia


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