Education learning Gap?

Learning Gap believe it or not?


  1. To fix this learning ‘gap’, schools should not assign homework that has to do with Wifi. Teachers have to understand that not every student has access to the internet, so they should print out papers, and the students who have internet access can do it
    online. Students should also have the choice to work online or just turn in a paper. Teachers could also not assign online work, instead give out homework papers. The students who don’t have internet access to do their homework shouldn’t have to serve consequences.

  2. Teachers should not give out assignments or homework to students online because some students may not have access to a computer. It may be easier for the teachers to grade but they have to think about the students first. — Eduardo Garcia

  3. Teachers should think more about doing homework or assignments on paper because some students can’t access the internet to do assignments that are meant to be done on computers or phones. Some people may think or say that those students can go to libraries but those may be too far away for them to access which eventually leads to harm the students education and not letting them turn in homework. -Jose

  4. I do believe in the education gap but I believe that it’s not any ones fault but their own. Same schools provide students with chromebook laptops that they can take home and use to complete the work homework’s but what if they do not have internet?Theres only so much that the school can do. Students could go to the library and use the free WiFi over there to do their homework but the library has closing hours...Students could be allowed into the school after schools hours with and Id badge indefinitely to complete their homework with the schools WiFi.- Lemuel

  5. I feel All students should be able to have equal ways to learn and if a student can’t do anything on device than ppl should go back to old fashioned home work . All schools learn different but as long as ppl get the education then it shouldn’t matter how . Schools should change the way they teach the classes for certain students for every one to have fair opportunities to learn .-DreSaun

  6. I believe in the learning gap and that their should be a balance between written and electronic homework and doing studying. jeff


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