Macro-evolution destroyed?

Kent Hovind takes down evolution scam..


  1. yes somewhat, it does not make any sense. if we evolved from monkeys, why are they still monkeys ? they should be human

  2. I believe that Kent Hovind is right about evolution and he Big Bang Theory. Hovind talks about Darwin drawing pictures trying to prove that it is real, and Hovind even says that the people are messing with our minds. He mad a good point when he spoke about fossils, and he said nobody knows anything about a fossil or when it died, or how long it was there, which i agree. Plenty of people believe we are completely like monkeys because they act the same way as a human would. I understand why people would believe that, but it's not true.
    -Brooklyn Forney

  3. Yes the concept of macro evolution has been destoryed by Kent Honvind. In the video Honvind answers almost every statement that was thought to prove that evolution was right to be wrong. If we went through evolution why aren't we still evolving? Why do i not have wings or 3 legs now? -Lemuel

  4. i think that guy that guy who drew those false looking pictures of evolution of the embryos is very much in the wrong. His one fabricated picture effected a lot of things that was to come.
    Its crazy that children still have to learn about that in school when it obviously makes no sense. I feel like the education system needs to take that out of the curriculum. And with the monkey topic, if we evolutionized from monkeys, then why aren't we seeing evolution today ? Why are there still monkeys all over the world ? -alexia hall

  5. I feel like people still believe in macro evolution but its honestly no proof like no evidence or any type of back up information. People try to mix christianity with people believing the big bang theory. Out of all the theories people create their is yet to be any logical reasons for people to believe any other story besides God the ceator.-DreSaun

  6. I thin that Kent Hovind has a great argument and background. The theory or the existence of evolution does not have a good enough background to prove its existence. Kent has proof that evolution shows fault from in many places. One of the faults is the fact that evolution says that homo sapiens or humans have evolved from monkeys yet monkeys are still walking the earth today. This doesn't show the evolution state of monkeys and if it were true then why are monkeys still here.
    Yeikob M

  7. Evolution doesn't add up because humans and "what they evolved from" are still existing at the same time. In order for an organism to evolve from something, they can't exist at the same time. Even though monkeys are smart, and may have very similar bone structures and muscular structures as us humans, they are not the same. There are many differences between humans and monkeys but Evolutionists don't want to bring up those details because it disproves their theory of evolution. -Katie

  8. The concept has been broken or taken down by Kevin Hovind. He had an explanation and supportive details that backed up his claims. He answered most of my questions that I have wondered about for a little while. If we did evolve then why have we stopped evolving. It just so happens that billions of people are the same/ stopped evolving?-jose

  9. I do not agree with the theory that we are made from monkeys, it just does not make sense to me. God is the creator and no one else except for him. -Manny Mullens

  10. The man, not Bill Nye, made very good points going against evolution. The most outstanding statement to me was when he talked about how humans came from monkeys; yet there are still monkeys. So why would there still be monkeys left? He also made arguments that other animals and people being "alike" yet the facts were wrong. Saying that living animals had been dated thousands of years yet they were still alive. He's proven that science can and is wrong and it's not really science it just people who don't want to accept that there is a creator of this world and it didn't come from nothing and suddenly there was everything at once. -Amari Winston

  11. I don't think we evolved from monkeys because fist that would be distirbing to believe and second it doesn't make sense and that would go against my beliefs as an christian. So no i do not believe that.

  12. I agree with the speaker from this video, while evolution is a real thing; it can’t be the cause for life. If organic matter cannot be made from non-living things, then how can we be expected to believe that’s how we came into being? The scale of which evolution is effective is so far off from changing one creature into an entirely different one. Simply, macro-evolution doesn’t make sense

  13. In the video he breaks down evolution and how false it is. I believe that mostly all governments all over the world is trying to write out God by controlling the curriculum. By controlling the curriculum they have the ability to control what we think of everyday as a student. If they control what we think they can develop us to believe a whole lot of baloney. There is even times when teachers ask the students to meditate on certain questions to explore all your options. Isn't that a little weird why ask us to meditate on something that isn't even true. Most of the stuff can be proven wrong they want us to believe that God isn't real and what they believe is true.- Jalen

  14. My thoughts on evolution is that they have a good points but some things just don't add up. Like if we were made from monkeys why do monkeys still exist. The man in the video was explaining all the theories.--Tamia

  15. i feel like its believeable but their is no proof that im seeing.i mean even fossils you cant tell the exact time the came from-jordan

  16. The theory of macro evolution makes no sense. It makes no sense that natural selection could make a new species. Even though there is a lot of evidence against evolution people still choose no to believe.

  17. yes he made a valid point when he spoke on fossils he said nobody knows about fossils just like how they dont know about monkeys-unique

  18. In my opinion I strongly believe that evolution does not exist. If you really think about it we don't have any evidence to support evolution. If the big bang created everything then where did the energy come from? How did the big bang start? After watching the video kent provided many reasons on how evolution is not true once so ever.n conclusion if we so called came from monkey's how are their monkey's here today.- amari r.

  19. if evolution was real then certain animals like monkeys would be evolved -christian dowdy

  20. i believe that it was debunked.which is crazy because all this time i thought it was impossible to be debunked.I thought that there had to be atleast some form of evolution because of all the evidence pointing to it but as much evidence there is there is also the same amount of errors in the theory.-phil

  21. The man in the video made some good points against evolution. I believe that there is evolution with most animals but I don't think that we evolved from monkeys because if we did- why haven't they evolved? He also made valid points on the big bang, natural selection, and fossil records.The "facts" shown were all proven wrong or had proof against them.- Jasmine F

  22. The points/arguments that Kevin made were really good. My favorite argument was when Kevin broke down how carbon dating and fossils have no credible value for evolution. No correct time of origin can be placed on all of these ancient fossils that we find. Another point he brought up about the actually bang was that there is no way there could have been nothing created by something. -Jeremiah G

  23. I do not believe in evolution at all. None of it makes sense to me and honestly it sounds really ridiculous, like how rocks turned into dogs and monkeys turned into humans, it sounds like some story from a children's book. - Destinee Powell

  24. I believe evolution is not real. There are no logical explanation for teaching public school students the wrong way. God is real and he created the heavens and earth. - Tk


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