Is Biden's Chief Advisor laying out the Marxist Agenda?

Joe Biden's Chief Medical Advisor Dr. Michael Osterholm just laid out his plans for the Coronavirus: 

  • *nationwide lockdown would help bring the virus under control in the U.S.
  • *society would stay at home and collect government welfare for 4-6 weeks
  • *wait for the vaccine distribution
  • Dr. Osterholm also suggested we act quickly because the indoors promote the spread of the virus.  Ironically his plans calls for locking Americans in their homes.  
  • If you still do not believe Biden's chief medical advisor is Orwellian you must know Osterholm said, "Such a lockdown would help the country bring the virus under control, like they did in New Zealand and Australia."  
  • Is This Joe Biden's Marxist American Agenda? Here's an example of the Coronavirus  Biden's Chief advisor is going to implement: 

  • Imagine a reality where people were forced to remain in their homes under threat of  fines, while outside the police patrol the deserted streets, trapping them in their homes. Never mind how many lives will die from not being able to get medical help or necessary items where travel is necessary.  But Amazon might love the added business.  The small business owner is out, big donor corporations will be just fine. 

  • In Australia: On at least four occasions in the past week, they reported having to smash the windows of cars and pull people out after they refused to provide a name and address at a police checkpoint. One man admitted his city was starting to feel like George Orwell’s “1984,” with the heavy hand of the state around every corner.

  • Are the restrictions worth it?  You decide.  Leave comments and please share!


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