REDEFINITION ALERT: Christians are now considered Domestic Terrorists

 January 6th, 2021 was one of the most tragic events in American history. But some never let a tragedy go to waste.  
In the case of January 6th the tragedy not only did not go to waste but helped create the tragedy before taking advantage of it.  The Gateway Pundit has found at least 20 of the rioters at the Capitol were antifa or other far left group members.   
Dominion Voting System's Eric Coomer said this about antifa:
coomer-removed-from-dominion The Anti-Trump Dominion CEO Eric Coomer Who Wrote An Antifa Manifesto On His Facebook Page, Installed “Update Software” On Over 30,000 Georgia Machines RIGHT BEFORE THE ELECTION Business Politics Top Stories [your]NEWS
According to Joe Oltmann, Coomer  also bragged about making sure Donald Trump did not win his re-election bid in 2020. 
So Who are Antifa?  Expert Andy Ngo Explains
"Simply put, antifa are an ideology and movement of radical pan-leftist politics whose adherents are mainly militant anarchist communists or collectivist anarchists. A smaller fraction of them are socialists who organize through political groups like the Democratic Socialists of America and others. Labels aside, their defining characteristics are a militant opposition to free markets and the desire to destroy the United States and its institutions, culture, and history. Contrary to what many on the right believe, they are not liberal, though that does not mean they haven’t made inroads in transforming and radicalizing the Democrat Party." 
How did "Antifa" gain traction?  
On January 15, 1987, Jesse Jackson and around 500 protesters marched down Palm Drive, Stanford University’s grand main entrance, chanting “Hey hey, ho ho, Western Civ has got to go.”  Not long after this protest the dominos fell all over America.  Western Civilization is no longer a requirement for most Colleges for entering high school students nor required for the students upon graduation.  
Now many students, if they encounter it, are taught that Western civilization is a history of oppression.  I should know I taught in the government schools for two decades.  Christianity is taught as Greek mythology or demonized, while secular-humanism and social justice reigns.  White males used to be called "the man" and made feel "guilty" for existing.  Now "the man" has devolved to anyone not in total agreement with the far-left.  

A 2014 report by the National Assessment of Educational Progress showed that an abysmal 18 percent of American high school kids were proficient in US history. When colleges such as Stanford decline to require Western Civilization classes or high schools propose changing their curriculum so that history is taught only from 1877 onward (this happened in North Carolina), it’s merely a blip in our news cycle.

A 2012 story in Perspectives on History magazine by University of North Carolina professor Bruce VanSledright found that 88 percent of elementary school teachers considered teaching history a low priority (NY Post)

How Does BLM fit into the mix?   (The organization, not the movement)
A key stated goal of Black Lives Matter is to “disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement.” Far from encouraging fatherhood, a necessary component of a stable society for thousands of years and a key missing ingredient in so many African-American communities, this radical group seeks to, uh, “collectively care for one another,” because communism has always worked so well.
In her own words, one of the founders of BLM demonstrates how closely the organization’s ideology aligns with Antifa. Central to both is the goal of abolishing law enforcement, American jurisprudence, national borders, and free markets in the name of anti-racism and anti-fascism. BLM also seeks to undermine free speech. (Unmasked, Andy Ngo)
BLM’s 7 Demands (Do these demands sound familiar?)
1. Convict and ban Trump from future political office:
2. Expel Republican members of Congress who attempted to overturn the election and incited a white supremacist attack:
3. Launch a full investigation into the ties between white supremacy and the Capitol Police, law enforcement, and the military:
4. Permanently ban Trump from all digital media platforms:
5. Defund the police:
6. Don’t let the coup be used as an excuse to crack down on our movement:
"Republicans are already busy trying to create an equivalence between the mob on January 6th and our Freedom Summer."
"We don’t need new domestic terror laws, facial recognition, or any other new police power for the state."
 "Our government should protect righteous protest and stay focused on the real issue: rooting out white supremacy. "
"There are enough laws, resources, and intelligence, but they were not used to stop the coup. Our elected officials must uncover why."
7. Pass the BREATHE Act:
"The police were born out of slave patrols. We cannot reform an institution built upon white supremacy. We need a new, radical approach to public safety and community investment. President Biden has already drawn on the BREATHE Act in his executive actions calling for racial equity screens in federal programs, investing in environmental justice at historic levels, and engaging with system-impacted communities. The BREATHE Act paints a vision of a world where Black lives matter through investments in housing, education, health, and environmental justice.

Antifa, according to Eric Coomer, the man that might have played the biggest role in the fraudulent election, "Anyone who opposes Antifa is a fascist."  
David Wheaton of The Christian Worldview, "The reasoning goes, 'You’re a Christian, you voted for Trump, Trump is a white supremacist who made baseless claims of election fraud and incited an insurrection which threatened our democracy; thus, you are a Christian Nationalist supporting white supremacy, sedition, and election denialism. You are dangerous to democracy and need to be marginalized, monitored, and suppressed. You are the enemy of the state and the people.'
Who are the newest redefined Domestic Terrorists?  
The newest evolution or derivative of racists, "White Supremacists" or "fascists" are now called Christian Nationalists
Because some held Christian flags and crosses at the Trump rally in Washington D.C. on January 6 and because a melee at the U.S. Capitol ensued, the conclusion now pushed by the mainstream media and politicians and religious leaders on the left is that “Christian Nationalists” are homegrown terrorists threatening our democracy. 
Christian Nationalism is being used as a catch-all pejorative—a word expressing contempt—for those who breached the Capitol, but by extension, any and all Christians—including evangelicals—who want biblical values integrated into civil life and polity. (David Wheaton)
How long before they just take out the word nationalist and just say the domestic terrorists are "Christians?"
MORE EVIDENCE: Riots at the Capitol Were Pre-Planned by Members of Antifa, Neo-Nazis and Others - Patriot Daily Press
The Anti-Trump Dominion CEO Eric Coomer Who Wrote An Antifa Manifesto On His Facebook Page, Installed “Update Software” On Over 30,000 Georgia Machines RIGHT BEFORE THE ELECTION – [your]NEWS

Make No Mistake, 'Black Lives Matter' Wants To ‘Burn Down’ Western Civilization And Replace It With A Communist/Socialist Hellscape


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