Alert! Vaccine Experts Warn

 If you listen or watch and trust the the mainstream media you would conclude the Coronavirus vaccine is a slam dunk.  But if you understood that any opposition to this viewpoint has been silenced you might want to take a second look.  

" In April 24, 2020, the Journal of the American Medical Association, the mouthpiece of the nation’s foremost health organization, published a study on chloroquine that turned out to be patently reckless—if not criminal, " Simone Gold writes in her Five ⭐ book I do not Consent. This quote is among several to which the highly censored doctor points out the politicization and fraudulent science being pushed that cannot be trusted. 

 Dr. Carrie Madej, DO, an osteopathic internal medicine physician in McDonough, Georgia for 19 years has this to say about the vaccines for the Coronavirus.

"The recombinant RNA and DNA technology will cause permanent and unknown genetic changes in a person’s body. Once their DNA is changed, he or she will live with that change for the rest of their lives along with the ripple effects from that genetic change. So who knows what that change will be. There is no going back.”

Sherri Tenpenny is an American anti-vaccination activist who supports the hypothesis that vaccines have caused autism. An osteopathic physician, she is the author of four books opposing vaccinations.

Dr  Sherry Tenpenny says this about the covid-19 vaccine

"I think we will see massive injuries and a lot more deaths starting somewhere between 4 and 18 months from now. This Vaccine will permanently alter your immune system."

Frontline Doctors Website

CDC, FDA maintain vaccine injury denial despite 6,000% increase in deaths reported

The alternatives to the vaccine were fraudulently debunked?

Dr. Simone Gold quotes from her book: I do Not Consent

About hydrochloroquine..

"Sadly, our inaction has had dire consequences. Many in the media and politics blame the Trump administration for letting (as of this writing) some two hundred thousand Americans die of COVID-19. Few of them seem willing to consider the more immediate and certain truth: if HCQ had not been blocked from distribution by shadowy forces, both private and political, whose role and motivations are still not known or clearly understood, far fewer people would have died. Countries where HCQ is widely available have orders of magnitude fewer deaths than Western nations—and the American anti-HCQ media still denies that HCQ is the reason. “Coincidence” they call it. “Anecdotal” they say. Eighty positive studies later and their minds still haven’t changed."


The politicization of science has already killed countless people and unfortunately will continue to be a leading cause of death until we can once again live in a free society that is open to all perspectives and not just those with billionaire ulterior motives.

I do not Consent, by Dr Simone gold


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