Patrick Byrne's Latest on Election Fraud Developments

The Obama administration employed the powerful supercomputer system known as The Hammer.   This supercomputer uses software called Scorecard. This computer was created by CIA contractor Dennis Montgomery, who admits this supercomputer is capable of rigging 

 elections.  Brannon Howse - Guest: NSA Whistleblower, Kirk Wiebe. Kirk is an American  hero and patriot. He was featured in the documentary, A Good American.  Today Kirk reveals in depth details, that according

In an interview with The New American’s senior editor William F. Jasper on December 21, National Security Agency (NSA) whistleblower J. Kirk Wiebe discussed the massive vote tampering that took place in the 2020 presidential election. 

Wiebe served in the NSA for decades and has been a key sentinel in many major national security crises and challenges. Together with the legendary Dr. William Binney and Ed Loomis, he helped develop many of the software programs and technologies that are crucially important in finding, monitoring, and tracking terrorists globally, as well keeping tabs on foreign state actors such as Russia, China, Cuba, and Iran. Wiebe, Binney, and Loomis were pioneers in the computer age for Signals Intelligence (SigInt).

Before you believe a "Snopes" fact-check attempting to debunk the role of Hammer and Scorecard, just realize that for his many contributions to our nation’s security, Wiebe was awarded the Meritorious Civilian Service Award, NSA’s second highest distinction

Court records prove the Obama administration put Scorecard to use more than once. It appears Scorecard was used for the 2020 Joe Biden presidential election victory.

The following is from Patrick Byrne's Telegram account: 

 "Ask yourselves: if the 19 biggest Chinese cyber-adjustments to those five swing states shifted 520,000 votes, then all 80 successful Cyber-adjustments in those five swing states shifted how many votes? I have already indicated an answer: a hair under 2.2 million in those five states.

Nothing about this: across the other 45 states there may have been 1500 successful cyber adjustments. That is the number we are going on right now, but our focus is still really honors five key states (and then Nevada).

I have not seen people remark on another number that I disclosed, though it is mind-boggling. The hammer system is loaded with the credentials of 4000 US government officials, from secretaries of State down through election officials at state county and local levels.

PS Hammer is connected to 150,000 voting and tabulating with this machines around the world. It’s not just the United States. 

We have it all, folks. I’m not kidding. There is an army of lawyers typing up the things that need to be typed up. But it’s all been cracked."


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