The Arizona Audit Reactions are Puzzling to say the Least

 Common sense would seem to dictate that if the claims by many powerful and influential officials and media that the 2020 presidential election was secure and fair that an audit of the results should not cause these same individuals angst.  So what is the opposition and panic about?

Judge Daniel Martin, who is now presiding over the Arizona Senate Republicans’ audit of the Maricopa County 2020 election results, is a Democrat appointee who worked for a firm that merged with Perkins Coie, the pro-Democrat powerhouse firm that is trying to shut down the Maricopa County audit.

Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Daniel Martin said,“I will share with you all, I am not yet persuaded that there has been a showing that the rights of the voters in Maricopa County are being protected,” Martin said. “And I think we will touch on this tomorrow when we address the policies and procedures and whether or not they can be withheld from public view."  

The audit is being lived streamed  It is hard to believe any reasonable can say the audit is being withheld from public view.  

Georgia Secretary of State Gabriel Sterling said, (about Georgia in the 2020 Presidential election) "There was no widespread fraud in Georgia, he says, but there were small numbers of double voting, out-of-state voting and voting by felons. Rules involving photo IDs could make things easier for elections workers, he says."In a state like Georgia, where the election is getting closer and closer, every vote's going to count," Sterling says. "And anything we can do to make the system more secure and provide confidence to everybody, that's the kind of things that we need to be focusing on." 

Mr. Sterling has changed his mind about security with regards to Arizona?

Sterling recently tweeted," This “audit” in Arizona is another step in undermining confidence in elections. This process is neither transparent nor, likely, legal. Any “findings” will be highly suspect now that chain of custody has been violated by partisan actors.

The audit has been approved legally and is being live-streamed, so Mr. Sterling apparently is confused or afraid, or both.  


Rachel Maddow claims, "There are firms and experts with experience in this field, but GOP legislators instead turned to a business called "Cyber Ninjas."   KPNX TV political reporter calls the vote recount effort in Maricopa County a "rogue audit" and warns it could happen again in future elections."

If the audit process happens throughout the entire U.S, Americans will know the accurate results of the 2020 election. Why is that a problem?  

Democrats hire teams of lawyers to STOP the Audit and Donald Trump's Response

Attempts to undermine The Audit

The repeated message for the cable media outlets is that the Pulitzer's system is not proven or that Jovan Pulitzer is somehow going to rig the outcome. 

A recent article alluded to a possible audit months back when Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger said, "Election officials in other states have been far more critical of Pulitzer. After Pulitzer claimed to have hacked into Georgia’s voting system during a legislative hearing, Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, a Republican, said his allegation was false and dismissed him as a “failed inventor and failed treasure hunter.”   

Dr. Douglass Frank among other experts have confirmed the findings of voting manipulation and cyber-hacking of the 2020 presidential election.  

Arizona had an audit previously, that was criticized for is unprofessional and very partisan, yielding unsatisfactory results, which led to calls for a new audit. 

Pulitzer and his technology won the 2001 Smithsonian Laureate Medal for “Most Likely to Change Society”. As part of winning the Smithsonian Award, the Pulitzer Patents and history of their development are part of Case Studies in 140 Universities and Museums, such as Brown University, Duke University, Yale University, Princeton University, Harvard University, and Helsinki University of Technology.  

Jovan Pulitzer testified in Georgia that he could detect fraudulent ballots by scanning them and running them through a high-tech analysis that included pattern recognition algorithms. On several broadcasts he has explained how his technology can check for folds in mail-in ballots, envelopes, how many times ballots passed through scanners, if vote bubble were filled by hand or machine, and check to see machines hacked. Jovan's technology also can read codes on the ballots that cannot be seen by the naked eye.

The Arizona audit could get interesting or worse. If it turns out that the Maricopa County has a significant number of fraudulent ballots, this could have far-reaching implications. Arizona was decided by 10,457 votes. You can bet if Arizona is found to be fraudulent, Georgia and the other states with close elections will be next on the audit list.

George Papadopoulos tweeted, "There will be a huge political cost after Arizona audit. We are in uncharted territory."

How will America react if the Headlines read " The Audits Prove DONALD TRUMP Won the 2020 Election? "

P.S. There is no reason to doubt the efficacy of his process. In fact, those who have a vested interest in preventing the 2020 election from being audited offered to pay him $10 million to keep quiet


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