Are HIV and Covid-19 Connected?


What is the connection with HIV and Covid-19?  The media and many in the medical community have predictably dismissed any link between HIV and Covid-19, but the mounting evidence is hard to just dismiss.   

NOBEL PRIZE-WINNER Says HIV and Coronavirus are LINKED!

French virologist Luc Antoine Montagnier and American physician-scientist Robert Charles Gallo (1937-) are credited with discovering the cause of the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS).  Montagnier said,“We have arrived at the conclusion that this virus was created.” He accused “molecular biologists” of having inserted DNA sequences from HIV into a coronavirus, “probably” as part of their work to find a vaccine against AIDS.

*© 2020 by Francis A. Boyle. All rights reserved.  
The following is from Dr. Francis Boyle, which substantiates Montanier's Claim:

"I drafted the United States domestic implementing legislation for the Biological Weapons Convention known as the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act (BWATA) of 1989 that was approved unanimously by both Houses of the United States Congress and signed into law by President George Bush Senior. My BWATA was instigated by the fact that the Reagan administration and its Neoconservatives had gotten heavily involved into the use of DNA genetic engineering techniques to research, develop, and test illegal biological warfare weapons. I set out to stop this with the assistance of my friends and colleagues at the Council for Responsible Genetics at that time – some of the top life scientists in the world from Harvard, MIT, Sloan-Kettering, etc. They were founded in 1983 and soon thereafter asked me to join with them in order to work against biological weapons.

I have concluded that COVID-19 is an offensive biological warfare weapon that leaked out of the Wuhan BSL4 in China. You have to understand that this Wuhan BSL4 is China’s First Fort Detrick. Let me repeat that; this is China’s First Fort Detrick. We all know what goes on at Fort Detrick. Historically they have researched, developed, tested, stockpiled, and sometimes used offensive biological warfare weapons, including and especially by means of DNA genetic engineering and now by means of synthetic biology. That is precisely what I set out to stop with my Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989. This is what is confronting us here today.

Based on my scientific research that I won’t go through it all here, COVID-19 originated out of that Wuhan BSL4 as a biological warfare weapon. It basically starts with SARS, and SARS is a weaponized version of coronavirus. Earlier SARS had leaked out of Chinese biological warfare labs before. At the Wuhan BSL4 they manufactured a synthetic recombinant virus for SARS. Then their notorious Bat Queen brought it to a laboratory at the University of North Carolina that is a BSL3, biosafety lab level 3. Indeed all these biosafety level labs 3 and 4 have to be terminated immediately. They all leak. That’s exactly what happened at the Wuhan BSL4. I’m not saying China did this deliberately. It was a leak. Fort Detrick has leaked. All these BSL4s leak. They are existentially dangerous, and they must be shut down and the same is true for the BSL3s.

So the Wuhan BSL4 took this synthetic recombinant SARS virus over to the University of North Carolina BSL3, which is a well-known biological warfare center here in the United States that I have publicly condemned before. BSL3s do every type of hideous Nazi biological warfare dirty work that you can possibly imagine as well as the BSL4s, which are far worse. And they took it to the UNC BSL3 for the purpose of applying gain-of-function technology to it, which means using DNA genetic engineering and synthetic biology to make it more lethal and more infectious. Indeed involved in this Nazi death science dirty work was not only the University of North Carolina but the United States government’s own Food and Drug Administration that has a long history of being involved in biological warfare. Likewise my alma mater Harvard, the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute at the Harvard Medical School, which is supposed to be the No. 1 ranked in the country if not the world, and is part of Harvard’s world-renowned Massachusetts General Hospital Complex was involved in this project. (When I was a student at Harvard I was treated over at Harvard’s MassGen on my Harvard student health plan.) There has long been an overlap between cancer research and biological warfare development. This Nazi biowarfare death science project was approved and paid for by the U.S. National Institutes of Health, part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, and NIAID under the direction of Dr Tony Fauci. Fauci has been up to his eyeballs in Nazi biowarfare death science dirty work since he became the Director of NIAID during the Neoconservative Reagan administration and has been there ever since approving it and funding it and supervising it. My BWATA was specifically designed to stop Fauci and these other American Nazi biowarfare death scientists. To complete the circle, the UNC BSL3/Wuhan BSL4 project also acknowledged receiving cells from Fort Detrick. The notorious PRC Bat Queen personally handled all of this Nazi biowarfare death science dirty work at the Wuhan BSL4, and then brought it to the UNC BSL3 for gain-of-function enhancement, and then brought this deadly combined biotechnology back to the Wuhan BSL4.
            In addition, your courageous Indian scientists here pointed out right at the very beginning of this pandemic, there is HIV that has been DNA genetically engineered directly into COVID-19. I read that study. It certainly convinced me. They had the pictures there. Of course, enormous political pressure was applied upon them to withdraw that study. But even the French microbiologist Montagnier who won the Nobel Prize in medicine for determining that HIV causes AIDS, confirmed that study and said that yes, HIV is DNA genetically engineered right into COVID-19. How did the Wuhan BSL4 get that? They sent a scientist down to Australia and working with the Australian Health Board they DNA genetically engineered HIV directly into SARS, which I have already explained is a weaponized coronavirus. So they brought that deadly biotechnology back to the Wuhan BSL4, and that can be confirmed by another scientific research paper that I have cited in my interviews on this matter. Indeed, if you doubt my analysis here, about a month ago there was a report by the well-known Five Eyes Committee of intelligence services from the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Britain, that was leaked to the Australian Daily Telegraph completely agreeing with my analysis that the COVID-19 came out of the Wuhan BSL4 courtesy of the University of North Carolina and this Australian Health Board. That was published in the Australian news media and I appeared live on Sky News in Australia at the next available opportunity for about 10 minutes or so to discuss this with the Australian People.
Making it Airborne
            The final piece of the puzzle, at least as I have been able to determine so far, and I’m certainly fully prepared to reevaluate my conclusions on the basis of further evidence, is that the Wuhan BSL4 bragged on their website that they have successfully applied nanotechnology to viruses. Nanotechnology to viruses! What is nanotechnology good for when it comes to viruses? Aerosolizing them! That’s what you do with nanotechnology. You aerosolize viruses and bacteria etc. to be used as weapons to be delivered by air in order to be breathed by human beings. Aerosolization – Fort Detrick does it too. Aerosolization is always the tip-off of a biological warfare weapon. It serves no legitimate scientific or medical purpose at all. That is why at the Wuhan BSL4 when they work there, they have to wear moon suits and with their own portable air supply. Likewise that’s what they do at the BSL4 at Fort Detrick. That’s what all these Nazi biowarfare death scientists do at all BSL4s."


Flu and HIV Drugs Show Efficacy Against C

Australia Scraps Covid-19 Vaccine That Produced H.I.V. False Positives

Flu and HIV Drugs show Efficacy against Coronavirus

Researchers Warn of Heightened Risk of HIV With Certain COVID-19 Vaccines

Flu and HIV Drugs Show Efficacy Against Coronavirus

Phambili Study

"The findings from the Phambili study, in particular, have important implications for the use of the vaccines in COVID-19, according to the researchers, as findings from this study showed that heterosexual men receiving the Ad5 vectored vaccine faced a consistently increased risk of HIV infection. Notably, this increased risk appeared to be limited to men, with women not having an observed increase of infection in the study."

PULLED and (of course quickly discredited) study : Uncanny similarity of unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV spike protein to HIV-1 gp120 and Gag

"This uncanny similarity of novel inserts in the 2019- nCoV spike protein to HIV-1 gp120 and Gag is unlikely to be fortuitous. "

I certainly hope HIV is not intertwined with Covid-19, but I am certain the mainstream media nor the medical community will ever fess up to this if HIV is in the coronavirus.



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