Anti-Trumpers' over-the-top Arizona Audit Reactions

 Do they know something we don't know?  The mainstream media has done their best to undermine the Arizona audit, yet many are still fearful of the audit and its consequences.
Why was a spy plane from the city of Phoenix hovering above the Arizona audit location Sunday morning?  Apparently the City of Phoenix feels the need to treat the audit as if it's a criminal apparatus. What else can explain the snooping?

Cindy McCain called the Arizona audit of 2020 election ballots in Maricopa County "ludicrous." Then the former Vietnam POW's widow took a shot at Trump supporters stating, "The election is over. Biden won. I know many of them don't like the outcome. But elections have consequences."
The mainstream media knows who to count on to get die hard anti-Trumpers. Cindy McCain wrote in her book Stronger describing the disdain she has for president Trump. "What I didn't want was a continuation of this horrible incivility and this lack of dignity and lack of respect and empathy and all the things that have been exhibited,” she says. “I felt our country not only deserved better but could have better.” 

Seth Abramson, author of the book Proof (and nearly 1 million followers) tweeted (about the Arizona audit)," BREAKING NEWS: This is big. A new exposé at PROOF reveals that the ongoing Arizona ballot audit is an extension of the January 6 insurrection, involving the same plotters and goal—toppling Biden's government." The Twitter social media giant continued by saying, "Trump has declared that whatever happens in this effort in Arizona, it will be matched by identical efforts in Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, New Hampshire and possibly elsewhere. But Trump and his team could produce more insurgent violence."
Supporters of Donald Trump are probably agreeing with Seth's assessment with respect to audits across the country spurring from the Arizona audit. If the audit exposes election fraud it will certainly inspire other states to reevaluate the situation and likely the momentum will be there to justify auditing states that were close until the end.
Yahoo News show their lack of journalistic integrity by stating, "The so-called audit is one of the last dying gasps of Donald Trump’s supporters who continue to cling to the fiction that widespread fraud cost him the presidency in 2020. That conspiracy theory was advanced on the social media accounts of Cyber Ninjas and Logan himself before the posts were stricken."

Antifa fears, UV lights, and incompetence are also fears among those attempting to stop the Arizona audit or at least damage the credibility of the results.  Apparently if the auto continues antifa might become violent, therefore the audit should stop.

The audit is so sophisticated the projected cost is nearly $3 million.  This money is being raised by private individuals collecting money on the site

Cyber Ninjas is leading the most in-depth Election Fraud Audit that has ever been performed.

The Audit will include:

A full forensic audit of the all-Election Management System (EMS) Servers, EMS Clients, precinct tabulators, and adjudication machines including all storage media;

A full hand recount of the ballots, including a scanning of all ballots, and a forensic paper review of all paper utilized;

Voter registration canvassing research will be performed in multiple precincts to confirm the 2020 Voter History files are accurate and match who voted; and

Comparison to confirm that all of the tallies from all stages of the voting results match, and are consistent with the officially reported and certified results.

Additional cost will be incurred to make this audit fully transparent through video streaming, so that the public will have total confidence in the Audit results.

The idea that a firm does not have experience doing a job like this is somewhat of a foolish statement.  This audit is immense and clearly unprecedented.  The results could be shocking and lead to social unrest.  But does that mean we shouldn't get to the truth?


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