Dr. Frank has uncovered the fraudulent algorithm for 10 states so far


Dr. Douglas Frank’s investigation reveals how the 2010 national census data was used to pre-set the algorithms in the voting machines. This system was set up and used manipulate the 2020 election rolls by injecting phantom votes into the election totals. But how could the phantom votes have been injected?

Shadow Group mentioned in Time magazine article "The secret history of the Shadow campaign that saved 2020 "In 2019 The Brennan Center for Justice whom Directed COVID relief money to election officials; and worked to increase voting rules and enforcement that would positively manipulate the election for Joe Biden.

 Of course now the Brennan Center for Justice or silent about the alleged fraudulent election that include the hacking of the voting machines.  However this same organization is pushing for federal intervention in the Arizona audit currently taking place.

In 2019 the Brennan Center for justice saying a different tune.  As a matter of fact they sounded a lot like the crowd claiming election fraud today. Here's what they said:

"In 2018, 41 states used equipment that was at least 10 years old, increasing the risk of failures and crashes. Technological glitches can lead to long lines and lost votes on Election Day. And older machines can pose unacceptable security risks, because they were not tested to current security standards or are running on unsupported software that does not receive security patches. With foreign interests attempting to hack U.S. voting infrastructure, including machines and registration databases, upgrading these systems is critical to protecting the integrity of our elections."

November 20th 2020- Michigan's Oversight Committee Hearing Testimony from three county clerk's

"I believe we should prevent third party organizations or non-accredited election officials from having access to the QVF," said Posthumus Lyons. "For example Rock the Vote did voter registration drives and had access to QVF to upload those voter registries to our voter list."

Former Kansas attorney general Phil Kline

Kline told Charlie Kirk, “This was an orchestrated and concerted effort to dramatically and improperly influence this election for a specific result that was manifested through something we’ve never seen before, and that’s private-public partnerships that shared sensitive data on individual citizens with the private sector so that they would have front door access to manipulate the election.”

Kline reveals how the Democrats stole ballots from Americans. He explained how “third parties,” specifically Rock the Vote, were given “front end access” to voter rolls by Democrat Secretary of States where they actually had the ability to add names to the voter rolls.

Dr. Douglas Frank

The Mainstream media has already tried to dismiss Dr Frank as a part-time math teacher.

Dr. Douglas Frank holds a Ph.D in Surface Analytical Chemistry for the University of Cincinnati. and is an internationally recognized scientist with over fifty scientific publications. In 1990 Dr. Frank discovered and invented a technique for creating three dimensional images of molecules resting on surfaces. This led to a cover article in Science Magazine, which is the most read science magazine in the world.

Dr. Frank believes the same computer algorithm was applied in every state to Steal the 2020 Election.  So far he has uncovered the fraudulent algorithm for to work in predicting the outcomes in 10 states, verifying the incredible accuracy of his algorithm.  

Dr Frank is efforts for election reform and desires getting away from the digital and easily hackable machinery to a more primitive paper system that's far easier to regulate.   He has joined with teams of experts to continue pursuing the evidence for election fraud as well as joining with the Deperno Law Firm that is still pursuing lawsuits in Michigan for election fraud.

One thing Dr Frank said repeatedly is that each state has its own key.  In other words each state has its own algorithm preset and predetermined to the outcome they desire. 

The Arizona audit might open a lot of eyes and force many more changes all over the country.  One thing is for sure-they are way too many hands allowed in the voter roll cookie jar. 

PS Dr Frank just said in the video link below that he and Mike Linden how the fraud was committed and by who because they met the people that were involved in the big election scam that allowed Joe Biden to hide in his basement while he wins the election. 








  1. This is a GOOD START!! Much, much more has to be revealed!!


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