" The Go-To Auditors" Find NOTHING wrong and are led by 10 Year Dominion Exec? Is This DEEP STATE Collusion?


Are most election audits just rubber stamping an automatic approval?  If you're the party with something to hide do you know which companies you can depend on to find no wrongdoing?  Is the governing election body impartial?

The main certification agency in the United States is the Federal Election Assistance Commission that just happens to have a Dominion Voting Systems 10-year veteran as their Chief Information Officer.   

In 2019 the U.S. Election Assistance Commission added two experienced hands to its voting system certification program amid concerns it had a shortage of technical experts overseeing election infrastructure.  One of those hands was Jessica Bowers, a former executive at Dominion Voting Systems.

The EAC was formed in 2002 and currently has 30 employees with an annual budget of under $10 million.  They are headquartered in Washington, DC.

In May 2019, just as the agency was preparing for the 2020 election, it announced the departure of Ryan Macias, who had served as EAC’s acting director of testing and certification.

Macias’s position was an important one—he was responsible for managing EAC’s program that “works with the country’s top voting equipment vendors to certify and decertify voting system hardware and software, and accredits labs for testing equipment,”

The former acting director of the EAC’s Voting System Testing and Certification Program, Ryan Macias, said the (Deperno Law Firm led) report showed “a grave misunderstanding” of the voting system used in Antrim County as well as “a lack of knowledge of election technology and process.” The report, as a result, “has come to a preposterous conclusion,” Macias said. 

The report Macias was referring to Allied Security Operations Group, a Dallas-based cybersecurity firm, and signed by Ramsland, a cybersecurity analyst.  3. A high "error rate" in the election software 68.05%. This reflected an algorithm used that will weight one candidate greater than another.  

Remember Macias was one of the experts on the so-called impartial EAC team, which only totals 30 on staff. 


On the EAC website, there are seven Voting System Test Laboratories (VSTL) listed. However, only two of these testing labs, Pro V&V and SLI Compliance, are listed on the page as accredited, as the others are listed as having their accreditation expired.”

Breaking Update: 

Georgia Judge issues an Emergency Audit After Suspicious Discrepancies Found145,000 Absentee Ballots from Fulton County. 
Who Certified the Maricopa County, AZ, November general election?

Answer: The same two companies who certify voting machines; Pro V&V and SLi Compliance

Audits by Pro V&V


According to Pro V&V, all of the software and firmware on the sampled machines was verified to be the Georgia-sanctioned technology.

"Coupled with the risk-limiting audit of all paper ballots relying solely on the printed text of the ballots, these steps confirm the assessment of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency that there are NO signs of cyber attacks or election hacking," Georgia officials said in the release.


The audit results, both Pro V&V and SLI came in as the only recommended groups that the EAC lists on their website. Both Pro V&V  and SLI Compliance found that the tabulation system and equipment were using certified software, with no malicious hardware and software identified, and that the equipment in question was not connected to the internet.

In addition, Pro V&V's field audit found that the machines were producing accurate numbers, based on a Logic and Accuracy Test that was conducted.  

The idea that was no malicious hardware or connected devices to internet seem highly unlikely given the multiple examples of dominion machines as well as other voting machines being connected to the internet.  Voting machine companies have not admitted it openly that they are connected to the internet but they have when contacted by the media admitted to the use of the internet during elections. 

There have been multiple reports that contradict the fact that Dominion voting machines are accurate, in particular not as accurate as required by law.

The irony

The mainstream media and the so-called fact-checking experts have called the audit team currently conducting the full forensic audit of Maricopa County amateurs or unprofessional.  Yet this team of experts has testing techniques that are clearly extensive and unique and for sure cutting edge.

The obvious point of fact is within weeks the current Cyber Ninja lead audit is already finding enough foul Play that every tactic in the book is being thrown at them to try to stop their efforts. 

If there was nothing to hide there wouldn't be the daily road blocks and diversions as well as purposefully demeaning language towards those involved in the audit.   Also to note when speaking about the Cyber Ninjas or Allied Security Systems for that matter, reporters fail to ask a basic question to the critics.  When the critics start the name calling they are never asked to be specific.  

Why don't the reports by the so-called experts specifically reference why or how The Cyber Ninjas or Allied security systems are "illegitimate."  Maybe it's the same reason why they never find anything specifically wrong when they are validating systems with their approval saying there is "nothing here to see."

As the saying goes if it looks like a duck it quacks like a duck, it's a pretty good chance it's a duck.

REPORT: Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs NOW CLAIMS Election Machines in Audit Should NEVER BE USED Again.

Matt DePerno BOMBSHELL: Michigan Attorney Says Anyone with Access to Voting Machine Tabulators Can Change an Election, Backdate Their Cheating (VIDEO) 
OFFICIAL AZ AUDIT UPDATE: Serial numbers are missing between large batches of duplicate and original ballots, violating state law. Without the serial numbers, there is no way to tell if ballots have been counted twice. is.gd/lUL1aQ






The Small World of Voting Machine





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