In January of 2020 NBC's Expert said modem use in 2020 Election "De-Certified" the Results

We have heard Dominion Voting Systems say their Voting Machines are NOT connected to in internet.  Homeland Security said the 2020 presidential election was the most secure ever.  

The three largest voting manufacturing companies — Election Systems &Software, Dominion Voting Systems and Hart InterCivic — have admitted they all put modems in some of their tabulators and scanners.

Dominion Voting Systems seems to contradict itself into confusion.  Their YouTube video presentations admit their machines are online, their manual explains how to get online and manipulate their machines.  However, publicly, with the help of the mainstream media, Dominion somehow is able to perpetuate the lie that their machines are secure and not online, and when "irregularities" (manipulation) involved, the claim is the machine needed "updates" to its software as its problem, or user error.  

In 2007, Acting Undersecretary for Cybersecurity and Communications at the Department of Homeland Security Jeanette Manfra said the voting machines are NOT online 2017, (lying or clueless) before Congress while she was responsible for the security of the nation’s voting system.  

Believing and trusting our government be told by the media ad nauseam and "government" experts the same lies that the voting tabulators were offline, and so not easily hacked or not compromised. 

A team of 10 independent cybersecurity experts who specialize in voting systems and elections, many larger voting systems in many states end up there, putting the voting process at risk.  This team of election security experts say that last summer found over 35 voting systems had been left online and we’re still continuing to find more,” Kevin Skoglund, a senior technical advisor at the election security advocacy group National Election Defense Coalition, told NBC News. 

“We kept hearing from election officials that voting machines were never on the internet,” he said. “And we knew that wasn't true. And so we set out to try and find the voting machines to see if we could find them on the internet, and especially the back-end systems that voting machines in the precinct were connecting to to report their results.”

Skoglund and his team developed a tool that scoured the internet to see if the central computers that program voting machines and run the entire election process at the precinct level were online. Once they had identified such systems, they contacted the relevant election officials and also provided the information to reporter Kim Zetter, who published the findings in Vice’s Motherboard in August.

The three largest voting manufacturing companies — Election Systems &Software, Dominion Voting Systems and Hart InterCivic — have acknowledged they all put modems in some of their tabulators and scanners. The reason? So that unofficial election results can more quickly be relayed to the public. Those modems connect to cell phone networks, which, in turn, are connected to the internet.

To date, Dominion's website states, "No, all votes are counted in the U.S. by local election officials – not by Dominion. Voting systems are, by design, meant to be used as closed systems that are not networked (meaning not connected to the Internet). It is technologically impossible to "see" votes being counted in real-time and/or to "flip" them."  No mainstream media outlet has fact-checked Dominion to call them out for this obvious distortion of the truth.  

 Andrew Appel, a Princeton computer science professor and expert on elections, said such firewalls can and have been breached.  “Once a hacker starts talking to the voting machine through the modem, the hacker cannot just change these unofficial election results, they can hack the software in the voting machine and make it cheat in future elections,” he said.

The National Institute of Standards and Technology, which provides cybersecurity frameworks for state and local governments and other organizations, recommends that voting systems should not have wireless network connections.

Scanners with wireless modems to at least 11 states. Skoglund says those include the battleground states of Michigan, Wisconsin and Florida.

The website of ES&S website falsely states that “zero” of its voting tabulators are connected to the internet, admitting to NBC News 14,000 of their DS200 tabulators with online modems are currently in use around the country.


Once you add that modem, you are de-certifying it,” Skoglund said. “It is no longer federally certified. And I don't know that all these jurisdictions are aware of that because ES&S is advertising otherwise.”


Based on NBC's election experts, the fact that the voting machines being "online" are lied about by the voting machine manufactures on their own websites, while admitting the truth when confronted by the mainstream media, the conclusion is obvious.  These companies realize they are culpable of widespread cheating in American and elections world-wide.  This is also strong evidence that the "conspiracy theorists" are now legitimized in their concerns.  The election was clearly a hackers paradise.  



Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency CISA

 Reality: Online voter registration websites can experience outages for non-malicious reasons.

  Rumor: An online voter registration website experiences an outage and claims are made the election has been compromised.

Yahoo News Reported May 12, 2021:

More than 120 retired US military leaders have signed an open letter appearing to advance a false conspiracy theory that the 2020 election was rigged and questioning President Joe Biden's mental capacity to serve.

"Without fair and honest elections that accurately reflect the 'will of the people' our Constitutional Republic is lost," said the letter released Tuesday by "Flag Officers 4 America," and signed by 124 former admirals and generals.

"The FBI and Supreme Court must act swiftly when election irregularities are surfaced and not ignore them as was done in 2020."


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