The Detroit Free Press Exposes THEIR MATH ILLITERACY


The headline of a recent Detroit Free Press reads...

Fact check: No, an algorithm did not manipulate Michigan’s election results

Clara Hendrickson
Detroit Free Pres

The math major in me had to know more about the reasoning in this article, especially since I have seen the algorithm explained and have personally talked to the man who was able to determine the math behind the algorithm.  

Dr. Frank has been described and the media as a part-time math teacher.  And that is true or at least it was the last time I chatted with him.  But he is also a world-renowned scientist and mathematical genius.  

Clara Henderson States in her article:

"Neither DePerno nor Frank provides any evidence for their claim of a state-level conspiracy to manipulate local results, other than the statistical correlation between ballots they claim were cast in the election  what  key — whose derivation they don’t explain — predicts. " 

There's no mention any article about what the correlation value is.  How can one conclude something is not evidence without finding out the "r" value?  The Detroit Press is fact checking alleged with expertise, but does not present the r value or doesn't know that they should.  They are either willfully neglecting the obvious (journalistic lacking integrity) or are proving they are mathematically illiterate.

Dr Frank has done the data analysis for at least 12 States with an algorithm he discovers as the "key" that explains the formula that was used to manipulate the votes.  And each of those 12 States his correlation or r value is 99.4% accurate or better.  I have not seen anyone dispute his math.

Quoting in the Detroit Free Press article is Gerrid Uzarski, elections director for Kent County:

"I’m not sure where he got the numbers from.  I’ve looked for them myself. I have not been able to find the source.”  Of course Dr Frank is very transparent with his data and even goes as far as showing you a share screen of how he gets the data.  

The Detroit Free Press article claims problems with the data that Dr Frank used but never explained what the problem is.   So the typical big generalizations with no specifics so it's hard to argue with their article and hard to take them seriously unless you already have made up their mind that everything the Detroit Free Press says must be true.

Various sites will dismiss Dr. Frank's strategy for his presumptions. Dr Frank has  taught NASA scientists, and was considered for the Nobel Peace prize for his scientific inventions, so is it safe to say doubting Dr. Frank is for all intensive purposes an exercise in futility.  

Clara Hendrickson attempts to minimize Dr Frank's credentials by mentioning that he is just a math and science chair at a high school.  Not as bad as some articles that say he's just the part-time math teacher.  It's a little suspect that the author would leave out his scientific accomplishments. FYI Dr. Frank is also a computer programmer.

The article headline below might explain better why the Detroit Free Press and other journalists are easily manipulated or confused.

The Detroit Press have exposed either their bias or mathematical illiteracy, and likely both.


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