NOTHING HERE TO SEE, WE Just Deleted the entire ‘Database’ directory AFTER we were subpoenaed for the AUDIT!

Breaking Update: Maricopa County deleted a directory full of election databases from the 2020 election cycle days before the election equipment was delivered to the audit. These deleted election files quickly led to the Senate president to send for Maricopa County Officials to the State Capitol. 

The Previous Audit Goals and Findings: 

  • Analyze election equipment software and hardware’s hacking vulnerability
  • Verify that no malicious malware was installed
  • Test that tabulators were not sending or receiving information over the internet
  • Confirm that no vote switching occurred

The Auditors tested 20 percent of tabulators and 40% of the stations and  Auditors conducted a full forensic clone of the drive which is a "bit-by-bit” copy that  allowed them to review deleted filesdeleted file fragments, and hidden data that may be found in slack and unallocated space Source code extractions tested:

This audit found NO problems.. Interesting. 

Flashback:  Refusing to Comply with the Court-ordered Audit

Maricopa County had been given a court order to send the election routers to the auditors.  Maricopa officials originally said the routers had already been disconnected from the network and were ready to be delivered to the Senate. But the county later changed the story and refused to release the routers claiming, “the lives of law enforcement officers, their operations, or the protected health information and personal data of Maricopa County’s citizens” because multiple county departments use the same routers.  

Now that the county officials are CLEARLY caught in a lie, the deleted files seem to indicate why there is so much angst about handing the routers over to the audit team.  The angst would seem unnecessary given the regular insinuations that the audit team for Maricopa County is not qualified or competent to do an audit, let alone discover what 2 previous audits could not.  

What/Why Files were Deleted? 

Let's look forward to the mainstream media and the Maricopa County Officials explaining this away.  


TWEET: "Breaking Update: As we open boxes of ballots delivered by Maricopa County, we are discovering significant discrepancies between the number of ballots therein and the batch reports included in the boxes." by Maricopa Arizona Audit

BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: The Data Drives Deleted by the Maricopa County Included Adjudicated Files (Where Votes Were Changed)

Maricopa Arizona Audit


No chain of custody for ballots, ballot batch counts don’t match with actual ballots, deleted databases, cut security seals, ongoing non-compliance with subpoenas and more…




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