Voting Machines Accessed Illegally, Remotely, and anonymously after the election.


Matt Deperno has uncovered a huge scandal! Things are getting very interesting.  So much for Dominion voting machines not being accessible via internet.

Matt Deperno Tweets

"1. We have been lied to. 

The Antrim County election management system (EMS) was REMOTELY and successfully logged into anonymously on 11/05/2020 at 5:55 PM and again on 11/17/2020 at 5:16 PM.

Yes, that is correct . . . REMOTELY

2. Those dates are significant because they correspond directly to the dates the county and SOS were trying to correct the intentional computer problems that subverted the election. 

These logons appear to have escalated privileges at the time of logon. 

Again . . . REMOTELY

3. But we were told there was no internet connection.

In an accredited system, an anonymous user should not be authorized by the accreditation authority, but would instead be required to enter a specific user name and password to utilize the system.
Matthew S. DePerno, Esq.

4. We were told there was no internet connection. We were told there was no remote access. We were told this was human error. All lies.

This is fraud. This decertifies the Antrim County election. 

SOS Benson should resign or be impeached.
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Following up on my last tweet, this mean the changes to the results on Nov 5 and Nov 17 (and then published and certified on Nov 21) were made REMOTELY by an ANONYMOUS user without proper logon credentials.

More later on what we found related to the Dec 17 fake hand recount.

It gets worse . . . in Central Lake Township (Antrim County) we discovered 82% reversal rate of ballots. 

Why? Because someone intentionally tampered with Left Marker #18 on the ballots prior to the election.

Let that sink in. Lawyer up! This is really really really bad."

NBC 2019

NBC News examined publicly available online shipping records for ES&S for the past five years and found that many parts, including electronics and tablets, were made in China and the Philippines, raising concerns about technology theft or sabotage.

January 2020
Online and vulnerable': Experts find nearly three dozen U.S. voting systems connected to internet


A study by the security firm Interos has found that one fifth (20%) of the hardware and software components in a popular voting machine came from suppliers in China. Furthermore, close to two-thirds (59%) of components in that voting machine came from companies with locations in both China and Russia.

Slam Dunk!

Recall - NBC News Expert: “Once you add that modem, you are de-certifying it ... it (the election) is no longer federally certified."



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