Dr. Sherri Tenpenny has a Persuasive message to Ohio Lawmakers: STOP MANDATORY Vaccinations


Dr. Sherri Tenpenny has been censored all over social media platforms and has been trashed by many in the medical community.  The good news is the coronavirus has exposed the politicization of science and deemed science not very trustworthy especially not the normal talking heads.

The video above Dr Sherry Tenpenny is speaking about Ohio House Bill 248.  While many speakers come to the podium only to leave only minutes after giving their opinions about the bill, Dr. Tenpenny took over the stage for about an hour.  The Politicians, particularly the Democrat politicians, tried their best to paint Dr Tenpenny as a conspiratorical hack, but failed miserably. 

Soon after the social media censored doctor was finished taking questions, and successfully rebuttling those whom diligently try to take her down, countless stories on social media and the major search engines attempted  to critique her mentioning the magneticism of the virus.  She only briefly mentioned some people seem to be magnetized by the virus, yet this was used as the attempt to minimize her detailed explanations and peer researched positions, as always done to shoot down critics of the vaccine.

The following video seems to be very conclusive that there is some veracity to the cleaning of magnetism of the virus.  Apparently all the talking heads were wrong again!

J&J CEO Alex Gorsky believes people will likely need to receive Covid vaccine doses alongside the flu shot for the next several years.

Fox Undercover Video Admit Anti-vax Censorship

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny is one of the very few doctors that is willing to risk her medical reputation with unpopular perspectives in the medical field.  She proved to the Ohio General Assembly that she is very rational and thorough when she explains her out-of- the- mainstream her thoughts and opinions.
The attempt to marginalize her failed, in fact she bolstered and legitimized the anti-vax movement. tremendously


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