Some Maricopa County pallets are missing 20 Percent of the Ballots

The Cyber Ninja led audit of Maricopa County in Arizona has had its share of critics, but apparently it has even more that are impressed with its unique and sophisticated style.  

Jovan Pulitzer said, "The voting system is broken, must be burned down and started all over again. "  Pulitzer's technology is key to finding fraud via forensic evidence. 

Jovan says audit variances make no sense. "The audits should be 100%," explains Pulitzer.   The inventor continues, "Manuals allow 1/2 of 1 % error allowances or they must be thrown out."

"There are people that don't understand why things happen... "Jupo-journalism".  Journalist make comments and become puppets to what they believe, so what they don't understand is that they are slaves of their beliefs because they can't even get mind around there's a reason to do certain things certain ways," Pulitzer emphatically tells the Gateway Pundit. 

The Gateway Pundit and Jovan Pulitzer have both been strategically minimized by the media and those against the evidence coming forward about the 2020 election fraud.  Both have been instrumental in the process of getting information out even though social media has tried their best to silence them.

Already six states have toured the Cyber Ninja audit process and all have been impressed.  So much positive energy has come from this audit that any other states are contemplating doing the same.  The usual certified audits are not forensic and usually only handle a sample size and make generalizations. 

The Cyber Ninjas on the other hand on the other hand are through and specialized.  Their techniques are ahead of the cheating curve for now.   Many have tried to shut these guys down and undermine them, but it is only increased the attention and scrutiny.  The more scrutiny this audit gets, the more positive feedback and momentum it seems to draw.

OANN's Christina Bobb

This reporter has been at the Arizona Cyber Ninjas audit since the beginning.  She expects to see “that the count is not even close to what was certified” due to the fact that some pallets are missing up to 20% of the ballots that should be there.

Christina tweeted, "If there is anything less than 2.1 million ballots in the AZ Audit, it was a fraudulent election and must be de-certified."

Panic Mode!!   Attorney General Merrick Garland announces that the US Justice Department will scrutinize any post-election audits for evidence of voting law violations!!

The same justice department that ignored countless election fraud allegations and affidavits.

Bobby Pitton and Edward Solomon

Pitton Tweeted: "Based on my estimates regarding Maricopa Data and Phantom Voters, along with Edward Solomon's analysis; I believe President Trump should have won Maricopa by at least 188,000 votes and the number could be as high as 480,000."

OANN Reported and Josh Barnett

We found a ballot shortage, anywhere from 5 to 10 percent of the votes,” Josh Barnett, an audit organizer who led the affidavit drive to make the audit happen, tells NATIONAL FILE. “It looks like a couple hundred thousand ballots are unaccounted for. The ballots are missing.”

“I also know that there were boxes filled with blank ballots in those pallets. There were blanks in there,” Barnett said, citing a person who is frequently at the audit site as part of the audit process. “They (election officials) were doing it for appearance, to try to hide the fact that ballots are missing by saying, ‘It’s okay, they’re all right here.’ But the ballots are blank.” 

As I have tweeted several times, there is no reason to believe anything other than the audit is finding evidence to previous audit was unable to find. The proof is in the fact that now many states have come to observe the process have been thoroughly impressed. There would be no reason to be impressed if there was nothing new being found.


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