American infiltration and progression of Marxism

Critical Race Theory is getting in the spotlight but this movement towards a Marxist Utopia didn't happen overnight.

April 23, 1635, the first public school in what would become the United States was established in Boston, Massachusetts.

Massachusetts passed the first compulsory school laws in 1852. New York followed the next year, and by 1918, all American children were required to attend at least elementary school.

By the late 1800's public education was motivated with unholy alliance between Owenites, who wanted public schools to promote socialism, Unitarians who wanted public schools to get rid of Calvinist influence, and Protestants who wanted public schools to counter increasing Catholic immigration.

The early 1920s saw an increased membership of African Americans in the Communist Party USA because it was a space for black intellectuals to convey dissatisfaction with economic and political inequalities. It strengthened other civic organizations, such as Langston Hughes's League of Struggle for Negro Rights, and established forums where black intellectuals could air their concerns, such as the John Reed Club, to “win writers and artists to the revolution.” 

As the African Americans increasingly participated in CPUSA activities, they became critical of the CPUSA’s allyship and treatment of African Americans. While the financial and aesthetic contributions of Negrotarians, or white CPUSA members supporting young black artists, were appreciated, dissatisfaction with Negrotarians arose because these white social reformers failed to understand the struggle for black life, such as the African Americans’ desire to end lynching, Jim Crow, and segregation.

In the 1930s, Marxist intellectuals from Frankfurt’s Institute for Social Research fled Germany and gained power in liberal American universities, where they devised cultural Marxism programs, creating a cultural revolution to undermine Western capitalism and “outmoded” Biblical values and bringing about a utopian socialist society. Christian values of family and morals, individual freedoms, and private property had to be destroyed.

These Marxist ideas from the 1930s have permeated educational institutions in America and the West after helping create student radicals of the ’60s who are now teachers, administrators, judges, media writers, actors, film producers, politicians, and the technology we all depend on.

MLK critiqued communism’s ethical relativism, which allowed evil and destructive means to justify an idealistic end. Communism, wrote King, “robs man of that quality which makes him man,” that is, being a “child of God” .

Despite King’s consistent rejection of communism, in 1962 his associations with a few alleged Communists prompted the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to launch an investigation into his alleged links with the Communist Party. In 1976 the U.S. Senate committee reviewing the FBI’s investigation of King noted: “We have seen no evidence establishing that either of those Advisers attempted to exploit the civil rights movement to carry out the plans of the Communist Party” (Senate Select Committee, Book III, 85). From wiretaps initiated in 1963, the FBI fed controversial information to the White House and offered it to “friendly” reporters in an effort to discredit King. In 1964 King told an audience in Jackson, Mississippi, he was “sick and tired of people saying this movement has been infiltrated by Communists … 

On October 25, 1989, a mere two months after Poland’s pivotal election, the New York Times published an article, headlined “The Mainstreaming of Marxism in US Colleges,” describing a strange and seemingly paradoxical phenomenon. Even as the world’s great experiment in Marxism was collapsing for all to see, Marxist ideas were taking root and becoming mainstream in the halls of American universities.

Is it any surprise that Critical Race Theory, based on Marxism, is being openly propagated in the government schools throughout the country?  It's nothing new, it has just now been formally named.


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