Proof "Certified Auditors" are in cahoots with Big Government

Claiming to have had Certified Auditors is starting he understood to be certified cheating?

The Gateway Pundit discovered what the Cyber ninjas have been accused of is exactly what the original audits were: The companies selected by Maricopa County in Arizona to perform audits of the 2020 Election were not certified when they were selected by the county as had been claimed.

Although Maricopa County authorized an audit of its election equipment and software. It was completed by SLI Compliance and Pro V&V and of course, neither company was able to reveal any irregularities, the county said on Feb. 23.

Audit documents were retroactively created last week as documentation for Georgia Election Audit Completed in November after a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request.

The implication is the Georgia Secretary of State’s office contacted Pro V&V who created the memo to (retroactively) provide a response to a FOIA request, meaning the two are clearly in bed. 

Arizona Senate President Karen Fann, a Republican ordered the audit that questioned the county’s wording on the certification issue.

Fann said she checked in with the Federal Elections Commission to try to get a list of certified election auditors but was told there are no such certified auditors.

“This is where the Board of Supervisors are being coy with the public. They know there are no certified auditors and they also know the two companies they hired are only authorized to certify the machines. So while they say they have performed two audits, that is a misstatement to say the least,” she wrote in an email.

So much for the "certified audits."

Epoch Times

Video with The Man behind much of this


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