Could "Sharpie Gate" flip the election?? Reports this happened all over the country.


AZ Audit Revelation: Wrong Paper Was Used for Ballots, Could Confirm 'SharpieGate' According to AZ Sen President.

Misleading misdirecting tweet

Maricopa County's misleading tweet is exactly how Dominion Voting Systems plays the game of semantics that the media quickly believes and calls anything counter "misinformation" or "unfounded"

Why is this tweet misleading?

The same way Dominion voting machines gets audits of their machines that are not hooked up to the Internet that gets certified.  But when the election starts they use machines that are connected to the internet which automatically decertifies them. Yet Dominion still can claim their machines or their software was certified.

Maricopa's tweet is misleading because much of the paper used in the 2020 election were not used on the certified paper that they describe on their website.  Well it may be true that the certified paper will not bleed if a sharpie is used on it. 

The paper used during the 20/20 election in Maricopa county often was not the certified paper and did in fact bleed and cause adjudications that just so happened to almost always go in favor of Joe Biden.

Arizona Ballot Instructions Specify: “DO NOT USE A SHARPIE,” “May Not Be Read By Tabulator”

Prior lawsuits for "Sharpie Gate" dismissed on the basis that they couldn't change the outcome of the election because so few were involved..

So what changed? Why is Jay Sekulow  re-litigating Sharpie-Gate?

Approximately 168,000 thin ballots led to markers “bleeding through” the paper, damaging ballots, after a Maricopa County officials ordered staff to hand out Sharpie markers to same-day voters even though they knew about concerns with the Sharpies!

A small percentage of those Sharpie Gate ballots could be the difference in overturning the 2020 election results in Arizona. 

But wait, let us not forget there is an audit finding 60% of the ballots and error in Fulton County Georgia. And Pennsylvania is facing some resistance but will soon be auditing their election (it's safe to assume). 

Spanning social media outlets, updating in real time...

A Georgia Voter just stated this...

"Anybody that Monitored the Ga recount should be able to testify as to what they witnessed… I consistently saw the Scanner/Tabular jam on and off all day, I feel certain this s why!"

In Minnesota...

"My Mother stated to me at her polling area in MN were having ballots filled out with sharpies!! But not shocked MN has had voter fraud for years!!!!!!" A recent Facebook post read. "

Another Minnesota voter just posted they were given a Sharpie to vote as well..

A California couple said they were both given Sharpie markers to vote.

Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Illinois Michigan,Wisconsin, New York, Vermont, Missouri, and Massachusetts

All  have voters that were given sharpies to vote.

Does anyone want to place a bet that Jay Sekulow will have affidavits soon from all over the nation validating Sharpie Gate was not just an Arizona problem.  Was it part of the fraudulent scheme?


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