Democrats have been Capitulating since Jimmy Carter

Since Jimmy Carter, Democrats have had a history of capitulation in foreign affairs, weakening America's prestige.  

444 days Jimmy Carter

Carter loved to carry an empty suitcase.  

On November 4, 1979, Iranian students seized the embassy and detained more than 50 Americans, ranging from the Chargé d'Affaires to the most junior members of the staff, as hostages. The Iranians held the American diplomats hostage for 444 days.

Negotiations with Terrorists ( sound familiar ?)

April 1980, after months of negotiations failed to result in the release of the hostages, the United States broke off diplomatic relations with Iran. Carter approved a hostage rescue mission by an elite paramilitary unit, the American commandos led by Colonel Charles Beckwith. It was a dismal failure. Several military helicopters broke down in the desert, and eight commandos died when two aircraft collided during the hasty retreat. 

Reagan almost immediately entering office was able to free the hostages.Reagan restored confidence and prosperity and won the Cold War, bloodlessly, by escalating the arms race into defensive anti-missile weapons.

Bill Clinton

“The World Trade Center came down because Bill Clinton didn’t kill Osama bin Laden when he had the chance to kill him.”

Rubio said that the 9/11 Commission report identified four times when Clinton could have killed bin Laden.

—Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), remarks in the GOP debate, Feb. 13, 2016

Clinton believed his failure to prevent the genocide in Rwanda as the “greatest regret of my presidency.” 


The Iranian government held two American citizens in prison in violation of international norms. Iran had jailed U.S. journalist Jason Rezaian without disclosing the charged against him. It had imprisoned U.S. pastor Saeed Abedeni on charges of "undermining national security through private religious gatherings in Christian homes."

Obama was willing to make a nuclear deal with the number one sponsor of terrorism, Iraq.  He released billions of dollars to the terrorist Network and return and that's just about nothing.  Situation was so bad that Israel had to intervene to stop Iran from getting nukes .

Seal team 6

During a press conference on Washington Thursday, family and advocates for the fallen troops called into question the rules of engagement that they say prohibited their sons from being able to return fire, and the White House's decision to announce shortly after the killing of Osama bin Laden that SEAL Team 6 was responsible for the raid.

"In releasing their identity, they put a target on their backs," said Doug Hamburger, whose son, Army Staff Sgt. Patrick Hamburger, served among the helicopter's crew.

8 years Obama could not get ISIS or what he called ISIL under control.

Benghazi Debacle

The world’s most powerful military was entirely unprepared to deploy military assets to attempt to rescue the dozens of Americans fighting for their lives. 

Obama and his subordinates never even tried to relieve the Americans under attack. Troops nor airpower never left the ground to help.

Obama also capitulated to Russia as they took over hearts of Ukraine and were able to secure pipelines for the sale of oil and gas to the Europeans.

One year into the Trump administration, the terrorists were on the run in Syria and Iraq.  ISIS lost control of Mosul, the second-largest city in Iraq, in July 2017. Three months later, ISIS’ capital—the Syrian city of Raqqa—fell.
Trump shortly after being elected broke the Obama  deal with the Iran and took out Iran's number one general in charge of killing Americans for many years. 

Trump also put the Europeans on the spot and flipped pipelines from heading to Russia and instead redirected much of it to American pipelines.  

From Reagan to Obama, annual per capita GDP growth declined from 4.5% to 1% and the post-Reagan

Joe Biden 2021

Joe shut down American pipelines but ok'd Russia to regain access to pipelines that Trump denied.

Our troops at Kabul airport are, in effect, hostages. The Taliban are now in a position giving Joe the orders.  The Taliban/ISIS-K hostage-taking that could become a Tehran ’79 on steroids.

“On a personal level is he a friendly guy, but he has empirically had poor judgment particularly on foreign policy ... the examples are numerous,” Robert Charles said.

Robert Gates said that Joe Biden has been wrong on almost every foreign policy and national security issue for the last four decades.

And just like Obama Joe Biden (whether on purpose who knows) released the identities of Americans currently in Afghanistan, effectively creating a hit list for the Taliban to execute.

Who will come in to rescue the Democrat this time? 


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