Did you know what the Largest Teacher's Union is Promoting?

The latest National Education Association magazine, NEA Today is promoting quite a few controversial issues and techniques that should scare every American parent.

In the article Teaching in the Era of Polarization, Tim Walker claims that many educators believe the stakes are way too high to maintain neutrality in the classroom.  

It's no wonder in the video below the Utah teacher  was recently fired for taking this approach." An Alpine District official explained the firing stating, "This simply won't be tolerated. Teachers need to teach the core curriculum." In other words shut up the progressive talking points and teach the curriculum. 


Ironically Kelly Keogh teaches his students there are no both sides, cited Charlottesville protest where he claims Donald Trump said neo-nazis were good people.  Let's use this opinion of his as a perfect example why all teachers should allow for instruction of all sides of the issue. 

Mr Keogh is incorrect on his assessment of Donald Trump's statement about good people on both sides.

 Here is the actual statement but the media has purposefully selectively edited as shown in the impeachment hearings

“Excuse me, they didn’t put themselves down as neo-Nazis, and you had some very bad people in that group ( neo-nazis). But you also had people that were very fine people on both sides.  You had people in that group – excuse me, excuse me, I saw the same pictures you did.  You had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down of, to them, a very, very important statue and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name.”

Paula McEvoy, a professor of social studies education at North Carolina State University, said she believes the danger posed by polarization "may require teachers to have a more active presence and focus."  Extreme polarization, she believes, "can lead to an attack on our democratic values."

So let's break her statement down. First she used the words democratic values.  The accepted definition of democracy is 

"The essence of democracy is majority rule, the making of binding decisions by a vote of more than one-half of all persons who participate in an election. "  

What if you can control information through censorship and a far left media it seems as if the majority believe certain things?  If you censor scientists or bribe them with government permits if they don't agree with global warming for example, scientists have billions of reasons to join the "consensus" opinion.  Thank God we live in a republic and not just a democracy, but somebody might want to tell the public schools this and the universities for that matter.

In the same article Christine Nold, a sixth grade social studies teacher, explains how she talked her students about the rioters that overrun the US Capitol building.  She explained how some were armed with guns, pepper spray, and baseball bats.   

I'm pretty sure this teacher never mentioned the antifa and BLM riots.   I wonder if the teacher explained how the so-called insurrection was not so much of an insurrection at all, especially when the only person who was killed was a Trump supporter.   I also doubt if she explained to the class how unconstitutionally the perpetrators have been held in jail without any due process.

The NEA's website Headline reads, We Need to Teach the Truth about Systemic Racism say Educators.  Of course there is a definite unholy relationship between the unions and  the Democrat party pushing the teaching of critical race theory and victimization.  

The Irony

Nearly every public School, in particular in the big cities where most American students attend, teach from the left perspective and exclude the conservative voice. I should know I worked in the largest district in Ohio for decades and met with teachers from all over the country in various seminars and conferences.  Democrat posters and promotion is commonplace but if one admits they are Republican they are quickly ostracized and in trouble with administration.

Teachers for many years have understood their job is to stay as neutral possible. But unless kids record what's going on in the class, the school itself will not regulate the teachers because they are in agreement with the far left ranting and teaching as is being encouraged by the National Education Association. 


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