Fauci's Moderna miraculously turns Profit

Recently Dr Rand Paul has been exposing Dr fauci's involvement in helping create the coronavirus. Who stands to benefit from the vaccine?  

A company that has been around since 2010. In December 2018, Moderna became a public company via the largest biotech initial public offering in history, raising $621 million (27 million shares at $23 per share). Through year-end 2019, Moderna had accumulated losses of $1.5 billion since inception, including a loss of $514 million in 2019.  


2010, ModeRNA Therapeutics was formed to commercialize the research of stem cell biologist Derrick Rossi. Rossi had discovered the works of Hungarian biochemist Katalin Karikó on RNA-mediated immune activation, which resulted in the co-discovery with American immunologist Drew Weissman of the nucleoside modifications that suppress the immunogenicity of RNA. This technology would later be licensed and used by Moderna and BioNTech to develop COVID-19 vaccines.

Fauci is behind the Coronavirus, that is a Bioweapon

Dr. Boyle:

  •  This is clearly an offensive biological warfare agent and it has no legitimate medical purpose.
  • the definitive evidence where this came from and it came from the BSL-3 biowarfare lab at the University of North Carolina.
  • the Chinese government paid them to have one of their top biological warfare experts involved
  • Cells were originally obtained from Fort Detrick.
Moderna ties to Fauci

  • Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation “is listed as one of Moderna’s collaborators” on the company’s page at the investor website Flagship Pioneering.
  • beginning of a phase one clinical trial for Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine. The webpage notes that Fauci’s NIAID is “funding the trial
  • Dr. Fauci's agency, will collect 50% of all royalties from a potential coronavirus vaccine
FYI Bill Gates is also connected to the Moderna vaccine, despite the fake fact check.

the prophets

The Profit, from debt to billions of profit

The "vaccine" is the gift that keeps giving to Dr Fauci and Moderna.


Rand Paul: Fauci intimidates scientists from contradicting him because 'he controls all the funding'

Host Brian Kilmeade went on to note that Johns Hopkins physician Dr. Marty Makary told him on the "Brian Kilmeade Show" earlier in the day that the NIH distributed $40 billion in research grants in 2020 – but less than one-half-of-one-percent went to COVID-related endeavors

CNN headline below...


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