Federal Judge ruling on Dominion Voting Systems Could upend 2020 election?

VoterGA seized on a huge opportunity that's seems to be finding the casket for Dominion"s inevitable death due to a thousand cuts.

Amy Totenberg was Obama's pick to be federal judge. Totenberg graduated from Harvard Law School in 1977 and is the sister of Nina Totenberg, National Public Radio's legal affairs correspondent. 


The State of Texas - Texas Secretary of State
The Democracy Suite 5.5-A system is an updated version of the Democracy Suite 5.5 system, which was denied certification by the Office on June 20, 2019
One month later in Georgia.. 
Amy Totenberg ignored testimony that could have shut down Georgia’s 27,000 electronic voting machines that witnesses said flipped votes, lost ballots and posed election security risks. 

2020 EAC Pro V&V eyebrow raising audit approvals

Certification date July 9th, 2020.

Pro V&V Dominion Machines Audit in Arizona 

Pro V&V  found no evidence of internet connectivity!  Dominion at times have denied and other times when pressed have admitted to being connected to the internet are currentlyrefusing to allow their routers from being audited in Arizona. 

2021 -Voting System Declared a Violation of Georgia Law  

Totenberg admitted Dominion’s machines have vulnerabilities that election officials should consider.  

Totenberg specifically mentioned the statute requiring verifiable ballot-marking and said Dominion’s system “does none of those things."

Carpe Diem 

VoterGA joined with State Rep. Philip Singleton in a legal petition to ban Georgia’s Dominion Democracy Suite 5.5 voting system. The voting system has already been declared in violation of Georgia law by the U.S. District Court of Northern Georgia via Amy Totenberg. 

Snowball Effect

Many States officials or voter rights groups will likely be inspired to launch their own lawsuits given the same (Court exposed de-legitimized and effectively decertified) software and machines.  

Dominion Voting Machines serves more than 40 percent of the U.S. population. Its products are used in 28 states including battleground States that all shut down in the middle of the night and all gained questionable vote surges that change the outcomes at their locations to favor Joe Biden.   

Arizona has already shown similar vulnerabilities during their audit process with Dominion machines.  The Cyber Symposium by Mike Lindell showed Dominion machine files deleted and machines with evidence they were hooked up to the Internet.  Michigan where's exposed by Matt DePerno's team as being rigged with a 68% error rate.

Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, Texas, and Wisconsin each have plans for Dominion machine audits.  

Thanks to district judge Totemberg, more politicians will be emboldened to join the parade. 



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