Garland Favorito: Fact-checks are Fake-checks

Garland Favorito explains so far VoterGA has found Fulton county voting images didn't match the tallies (falsified), 6000 (previously 4,000) duplicates, and a lot more and hasn't been presented yet.  It's unfortunate the fact checkers fail to get the facts straight.

Fact checkers are promoting misinformation

PolitiFact-ignore all the pages of evidence VoterGA sent, and just kept with the narrative given by the Secretary of State, who many believe is at least a big part of the problem in the first place. 

MRC NewsBusters
Fact checking groups — such as PolitiFact — routinely cast judgments while failing to disclose their own left-wing bias. Their allies in the media try to cast these groups as neutral third parties when, in fact, they are card-carrying members of the liberal echo chamber.

It’s no wonder that the public has so little faith in the fact-checkers. A 2016 Rasmussen poll found that an astonishing 62% of American voters see them as biased.

Some of VoterGA's findings
  • VoterGA found that 923 of 1539 mail-in ballot batches, or 60 percent, had wrongly reported votes.
  • tally sheets were marked entirely for Biden despite having votes for Donald Trump and Jo Jorgensen in those batches. Must watch! 
  • nearly 35,000 Georgia voters moved out of their county of residence more than a month prior to election day, ineligible to vote, and yet they did.
  • Several batches showed 100 votes for Biden, 0 votes for former President Donald Trump, and 0 votes for Libertarian Jo Jorgensen.
  • The ballot images that correspond to these batches do not match the official results on the vote tally sheet. Seven falsified vote tally sheets have been found so far.
The latest Ruling

VoterGA is breaking through all the fact checking games and their puppets in the media. Although any opposition to Joe Biden winning the 2020 election has been silenced by virtually all the mainstream media except for one Tucker Carlson show and a few mentions on some others, the momentum is definitely building.


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