Is American modeling China's social score system?

 Is America already in a social credit system without calling it by its name?  

“If you want to participate in our society fully, you’ve got to get vaccinated” — NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio, August 3, 2021
China's 'social credit' system ranks citizens and punishes them with throttled internet speeds and flight bans if the Communist Party deems them untrustworthy.

What happens if you're blacklisted? 
  •  The blacklisted are named on a List of Dishonest Persons Subject to Enforcement by the Supreme People's Court as "not qualified" to buy a plane ticket, and banned from travelling some train lines, buying property, or taking out a loan.
  • There was no file, no police warrant, no official advance notification. They just cut you off from the things once entitled to and there is nothing you can do about it.
  • In China there is no such thing as the rule of law. Regulations that can be largely apolitical on the surface can be political when the Communist Party of China (CCP) decides to use them for political purposes.
  • Such a system could further divide society, creating classes of people depending on their social credit — and this is where comparisons to Black Mirror 
What about in America? 
  • PayPal announced a partnership with the left-wing Southern Poverty Law Center to "investigate" the role of "white supremacists" and propagators of "anti-government" rhetoric.
  • PayPal says the collected information will be shared with other financial firms and politicians. 
  • Facebook recently introduced messages that ask users to snitch on their potentially "extremist" friends (targeting the conservatives)
  • Facebook and Microsoft are working with several other web giants and the United Nations on a database to block potential extremist content.
  • Companies and government agencies are mandating vaccines. 
  • Vaccine proof to eat in NYC. 
  • Financial rewards for the vaccinated
  • Media barrage of un-vaccinated shaming. 
  • federalize thought policing, which is essentially what the Equality Act does, you are creating a social credit system that nationalizes the punishment of wrong think both materially and socially. 

  • New York City’s $250,000 fines for misgendering. 

  • refusing medical services of the un-vaccinated
Getting the point?  Remember, the Marxists were running the riots and are influencing the political party in charge.  


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