Vaccine versus Therapeutic data

 Joe says it's not about freedom!

Dr. Robert Malone, an American virologist and immunologist (often credited for inventing mRNA technology) said ,"The unholy alliance of the mainstream media, the government, big tech, and big pharma is resulting in toxic 'group think.'” He predicted that future studies will show a number of people died because of the myopic focus on coronavirus vaccines.

Dennis Prager says, "If you have respect for the medical community it's only because you're a leftist."  Is he correct?

The AMA pushes masks and social distancing, despite studies that show the masks do not work.  Of course the same organization believes gender should be taken off birth certificates because they believe gender does not exist. 

The CDC  pushes vaccines and masks despite their own contradicting evidence towards wearing the masks. The CDC"s own statistics show that Covid-19 is a negligible threat to schoolchildren. Based on the numbers, the CDC should be consistent and shut down schools for the flu.

The CDC Data shows more people under the age of 18 died of influenza during the 2018–19 flu season—a season of “moderate severity” that lasted eight months—than have died of Covid-19 across more than 18 months. The CDC says admits that out of every 1,738 Covid-19-related deaths in the U.S. in 2020 and 2021, only one has involved a child under 18. Fox News has reported for the second time the CDC changing their guidance based on pressure from the Teacher unions. 

The CDC’s and WHO’s earlier guidance realized that the research suggests that Americans’ many months of mask-wearing has likely provided little to no health benefit. Read between the lines now, the vaccine seems to be causing the mutation and certainly is not able to stop the mutation, otherwise booster shots on an ongoing basis would not be necessary.

Vaccines have been able to change the profit curve of Moderna and the other vaccine companies.  It is far easier to turn a  since they are exempt from liability because of their experimental status.

Ivermectin is a 40-year old, Nobel Prize winning drug. It has specifically seen its service as an anti-parasitic drug in this 40-year period. It has been proven to be safe with little side effects and almost non-existent severe side effects.

According to the data available to us from over 1,000 studies, 56 clinical trials, Ivermectin prophylaxis/prevention is about 85 percent to 90 percent, comparable to the vaccine. For those who have been infected already with COVID-19, the use of Ivermectin has shown to prevent spread by the carrier. Those acutely ill with COVID-19 have been shown to significantly improve with Ivermectin included in the treatment regime, with many no longer needing intensive hospital care.

HCQ -Vladimir Zev Zelenko MD

New study finds that the use of weight-adjusted hydroxychloroquine & azithromycin improved survival of ventilated COVID-19 patients by nearly 200% - medRxiv

Early prehospital treatment in high risk patients has been proven by dozens of studies to reduce death by 85%. 

Why are hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin being suppressed from the American public?

The CDC is now listing vaccinated COVID-19 deaths as UNvaccinated deaths if they die within 14 days of the vaccine.  They recently also stated they will not take data on vaccinated individuals.  In other words the vaccinated data is clearly not accurate and certainly far worse than being portrayed.

Natural Immunity

A new pre-print Israeli study has found that people with natural immunity to COVID-19 could be 13 times less likely to contract the respiratory virus than those who were solely vaccinated against the disease

Vaccine Effects/efficacy

Dozens of medical experts issued a warning this month about COVID-19 vaccines, slamming the jabs as “unnecessary, ineffective and unsafe” and likely to lead to “foreseeable mass deaths.”  

The vaccines are currently 66% effective in protecting against infection Which is less effective than ivermectin or hcq, with more side effects.  Unlike the so-called vaccines both therapeutics have been around for decades and have proven to be safe and effective.

A CDC study shows 74% of people infected in Massachusetts Covid outbreak were fully vaccinated.

Australia's top medical officer urged Australians who have received an AstraZeneca COVID shot to "not delay" getting the second dose – even though the vaccine has been linked to more deaths than COVID in Australia this year.  Notice you have to get a second dose of a vaccine that is supposed to be 95% effective.  People need to start scratching their heads more.

Follow the Commissioners...

  • Scott Gottlieb - Former Commissioner of the FDA resigns and then goes to Pfizer to be on the board of directors.  
  • Stephen Hahn - Replaces Gottlieb as FDA Commissioner and eventually resigns. He is now the Chief Medical Officer for Moderna.
  • Janet Woodcock - Wrongly advises Rick Bright (a fully-controlled individual) that HCQ is a dangerous drug requiring EUA that should be ONLY limited to hospitalized patients. Remember, all of the relevant clinical data at the time showed HCQ to be extremely effective in early treatment and NOT in hospitalized patients. Several months later Janet Woodcock replaces Stephen Hahn as the Commissioner of the FDA.  
  • "Pfizer H.C.P. admitted that between 1997 and 2006, it paid more than $2 million of bribes to government officials in Bulgaria, Croatia, Kazakhstan and Russia," notes a press release issued by the DoJ. "Pfizer H.C.P. also admitted that it made more than $7 million in profits as a result of the bribes."

Is this all making sense yet?

PS the median age of coronavirus death in America is 80 years old. Median age of death in America is 77 years old. 

Just like with Obamacare....

Biden's vaccination mandate doesn't include illegal immigrants or Congress!


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