Why are vaccine Propagandists now invoking God?

After months of Democrat politicians saying they would not trust the vaccine because they do not trust (then) president Trump, the narrative soon changed under Joe Biden.  Hedging their bets, vaccine pushers know the religious exemption is a stumbling block that might end up in the Supreme Court effectively destroying the power of the mandates. 

Minorities have been fighting the pressure to be vaccinated. Hispanic people account for 55% of COVID-19 cases and 40% of the population in California, but they have only received 21% of vaccinations, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF). Similarly, in Washington, D.C., about 49% of cases and 76% of deaths have affected Black people, but they have only received 31% of D.C.'s vaccinations.  Very dense populations tend to be majority minority.  The cases and deaths are not 1 to 1 correlations with being "vaccinated". 

The Ohio Department of Health says 61 percent of those who died of COVID-19 were white, 10 percent black.  That is interesting since the percentage of black people in Ohio is 13%.  

The New Target: Rebellious Christians? 

White evangelical Protestants are the only religious group that didn't reach a majority when asked in a Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI) and Interfaith Youth Core (IFYC) poll if they believe they should get vaccinated because it "helps protect everyone" and "is a way to live out the religious principle of loving my neighbors."

Invoking God? "God Answered our Prayers"

Not taking the Vaccine means, "You aren't listening to God." 

Ending the Religious Exemption has started in NY

The (Socialist) Pope pushes the Vaccine

North Carolina hospital network fires around 175 staffers for not getting vaccinated

Mandates for Experimental Vaccines (including Pfizer)

It is  a violation of the principles of the Nuremberg Code which was put in place after the human rights violations of Nazi Germany to protect people from taking part in medical experiments against their will. Since all coronavirus vaccines currently available in the U.S. are still in clinical trials for at least another year, they are experimental by definition.

Fighting Back

Rev. Jason Georges told the crowd, “You are here because you are against the government and academic institutions and corporations forcing you to inject something into your body against your will. … By mandating the vaccine, the government assumes it has greater responsibility for your body than you do.”

Meanwhile Moderna is banned in parts of Europe and Pfizer has proven ineffective fighting the vaccine just months after taking the shot.  The covid-19 vaccine side effects, especially deaths are worse than all previous vaccines combined.  Invoking God is a sign of desperation for profiteers of  vaccines that are being exposed for their danger and ineffectiveness. 




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