Edward Snowden and WikiLeaks to not so surprising election fraud making marginalized newsmakers into Prophets

Edward Snowden and Julian Assange made many around the world aware of just how clouded our perspective is compared to reality. We became far more aware that our governments were no longer, if ever trustworthy.  Conspiracy theorists now seem to be soothsayers.

Edward Snowden exposed the NSA’s mass surveillance programs, which were shown to be operating without any public oversight and outside the limits of the US Constitution.  Snowden worked in various roles within the US Intelligence Community, including serving undercover for the CIA overseas, and most recently worked as an infrastructure analyst at the NSA,

Julian Assange, founder of  WikiLeaks has exposed a lot of dirty laundry as well.  Assange came to prominence in 2010 after mainstream media used him and teamed up with his Wikileaks organisation to publish vast numbers of diplomatic cables and other sensitive data that shone light on unpopular behavior of Western nations.  But he soon became a villain to the same media outlets when he exposed the corruption within the Democratic party. 

Warfare, torture, diplomacy, finances – no realm was safe from Wikileaks' revelations. Information about the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq was put out that damaged the reputation of American forces. Wikileaks also painted grim pictures of life elsewhere, highlighting vast corruption in Russia, for example. The tax affairs of the super-rich also came under the spotlight, while attempts were made to open vast corporate trade deals to the kind of public scrutiny they deserve.

Now that Snowden and WikiLeaks expose the West to the corruption within conspiracy theorists gained traction.  Although not always 100% accurate, the conspiracy theorists of old became the most trustworthy way to get information.  

The handling of the coronavirus and the 2020 presidential election exposed the interplay with governments and corrupt multinational and social media corporations.  

"Time magazine has published a detailed account of what it describes as a “conspiracy” between “left-wing activists and business titans” to create “an extraordinary shadow effort” to “protect” the 2020 presidential election.

Edward Snowden and Julian Assange exposed a lot of corruption within the government and post how easy it is to lose privacy in countries where most presume are free.  They also demonstrated how easy it was to hack even the most sophisticated and secured platforms.

The New York Times had reported on the effort in January, referring to the “Democracy Defense Coalition.” The Daily Beast hinted at it in the fall. But the Time article is the most in-depth report at what others suggested was going on behind the scenes. " -Breitbart

Countless mathematicians discovered algorithms proving election fraud. 


Bobby Piton

Yet the mainstream media silences any evidence pointing to fraud..(the cabal mentioned in Time magazine).

Google (started by former CIA experts)

Google federal was launched in 2006 and its purpose is to serve federal contracts at a certain point this branch of Google had so many former NSA staff that they became known as the NSA West.

Google search engine as well as the other search engines and YouTube silence any opposition to the liberal viewpoint in particular when it comes to election or coronavirus information. Same goes for Twitter, Facebook.  

If you do a search on DuckDuckGo and do the exact same search on Google, Bing, for Yahoo you will see completely different results.. Only DuckDuckGo provides a balanced menu of articles to choose from.

Dr Fauci was recently caught in uncovered emails pressuring news organizations to squash any dissension to experimental vaccinations. Conveniently he stands to gain riches from his patents pertaining to these vaccines. 

Consequently Americans have been divided between those who get their media from The Establishment sources versus those who seek alternative sources.  The mainstream media calls any alternative perspectives misinformation or disinformation.    Unfortunately many do not seek alternative viewpoints for alternative sources.  

Many people get their news from social media or search Google (90% of searches).  6% of Americans say they get their news from their smartphone or other devices using the internet.  Largely social media drives the information and they sign us posing viewpoints to the progressive perspective.

The collision of the government big corporations has clearly contributed to the divided nature of the country. The big corporations seem to benefit from catastrophes has seen by the blooming stock market where families are struggling to make ends meet.

It's no wonder the alternative media is flourishing.   Alex Jones used to be the last person to go, now he might be one of the first.

What is the solution?  

It's time to get Back to the roots of what made this country great. Judea Christian values emphasizing freedom from government freedom to make your own choices without mandates from big government.  Federalism,  not pseudo manipulated democracy.  A Republic values judeo Christian principles. 


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