Obama's Ukraine Biowarfare Lab?

 You can't make this up. 

 June 18th, 2010, the article “Biolab Opens in Ukraine” details how Obama, while serving as an Illinois Senator, helped negotiate a deal to build a level-3 bio-safety lab in the Ukrainian city of Odessa.

Sen. Dick Lugar, was additionally included in Issue No. 818 of the United States Air Force (USAF) Counterproliferation Center’s Outreach Journal.

It was Senator Lugar that admitted the plans for the facility began in 2005 when he Senator Barack Obama entered a partnership with Ukrainian officials.

The author of the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989 believes  They’re complete unsafe. BSL-3 and BSL-4 lab are only designed for research development testing of offense of biological warfare agents.  In my opinion, they serve no legitimate purpose at all. They should all be shut down, every one of them.  How can anyone disagree with the man that wrote the bioterrorism law about whether a lab is in violation of the law that he wrote?

BSL-3 (as definited by the CDC)

BSL-3 laboratory typically includes work on microbes that are either indigenous or exotic, and can cause serious or potentially lethal disease through inhalation. Examples of microbes worked with in a BSL-3 includes; yellow fever, West Nile virus, and the bacteria that causes tuberculosis.

The microbes are so serious that the work is often strictly controlled and registered with the appropriate government agencies. Laboratory personnel are also under medical surveillance and could receive immunizations for microbes they work with.

Common requirements in a BSL-3 laboratory include:

  • Standard personal protective equipment must be worn, and respirators might be required
  • Solid-front wraparound gowns, scrub suits or coveralls are often required
  • All work with microbes must be performed within an appropriate BSC
  • Access hands-free sink and eyewash are available near the exit
  • Sustained directional airflow to draw air into the laboratory from clean areas towards potentially contaminated areas (Exhaust air cannot be re-circulated)
  • A self closing set of locking doors with access away from general building corridors

Access to a BSL-3 laboratory is restricted and controlled at all times.


 The Ukraine Level 3 Lab was reconstructed and technically updated up to the BSL-3 level through a cooperative agreement between the United States Department of Defense and the Ministry of Health of Ukraine that started in 2005.

I  just asked Dr. Boyle what his opinion about Ukraine's level 3 Lab.  His response was," It was an offensive biowarfare lab."

If Dr. Boyle is right, Putin is not the only war criminal being exposed in Ukraine.



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