The Voter Fraud Cover-up was shaking and now is Buckling

 Since the 2020 Presidential election mathematically inclined Americans knew Joe Biden could not have won.  Multiple prominent mathematicians after the election knew the numbers simply did not add up. 

Rasmussen in March 2022 reported 52% to 40%, voters believe that “cheating affected the outcome of the 2020 U.S. presidential election.”  This after determined efforts from patriots like Garland Favorito and VoterGA relentlessly pressing forward, and drawing attention to the voting fraud.  

November 17, 2020, award-winning investigative journalist John Solomon said Dominion is financially tied to Democrats and the establishment. Solomon said Dominion was primed to 'find' votes for Biden.

Just a month after the election, Jovan Hutton Pullitzer showed Dominion Machines being hacked in real-time during the 2020 Georgia Election Fraud Hearing.

Two judges gave ground to Favorito's team, including an Obama appointment federal judge. Dominion Voting machines were even labeled as not certifiable, and ballot counts were shown to be manipulated.  

February 4, 2021 the bombshell Times magazine article Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election admitted, "There was a conspiracy unfolding behind the scenes, one that both curtailed the protests and coordinated the resistance from CEOs. Both surprises were the result of an informal alliance between left-wing activists and business titans. The pact was formalized in a terse, little-noticed joint statement of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and AFL-CIO published on Election Day. Both sides would come to see it as a sort of implicit bargain..."  The rigging was being documented and celebrated by the left leading magazine. 

Quietly Dominion Machines court cases went away, meaning the defamation cases couldn't be made because there was certainly truth about the vulnerabilities of their machines Dominion did not want publicly known.  

Mike Lindell's Symposium and the Cyber Ninjas in Arizona made light of digital fraud and election cover-ups, but the corporate media was effective at flat-lining  both with their audiences. 

Although successful at taking down and silencing alternative perspectives was successful, it created a huge alternative media market.  Alternative media found a home with Lindell's Frank Speech site and other media formats like Rumble, Locals, Truth Social,, and more. 

Nick Moseder, CannCon, Gail Golec, Wendy Rogers, The Gateway Pundent, Charlie Kirk, Dr. Frank, David Clements, Bobby Piton, Matt Deperno, Ron Watkins, and others have paved the way for Dinesh D'Souza and True The Vote to be " the straw that broke the camel's back" exposing fraud in the documentary 2,000 Mules.

'2000 Mules' validates everything the American Voter's Alliance and The Amistad Project have been doing for the past two and a half years. This film does an excellent job of shining light on one of the many worrisome practices that took place during the 2020 election – a practice funded by billionaires in pursuit of partisan gain."-Jacqueline Timmer, founder and director of the American Voter's Alliance,. This will also add to the credibility for VoterGA and True the Vote to continue to expose the election corruption.

Rasmussen Reports survey found 70% of voters have heard of the film 2000 Mules, and of the millions that have seen the documentary, 73% of Democrats recommended it and 84% of Republicans recommend it.  

"David Lara and Gary Snyder busted this ballot trafficking ring — which was further investigated and exposed by True the Vote and “2000 Mules” — using undercover cameras in August 2020. The Gateway Pundit reported that Mark Brnovich received this evidence before the General election, but he waited for months and certified a rigged election."-The Gateway Pundent

CISA The Associated Press and all the other corporate media the right to call the election the most secure election ever according to the government agency.  Less than 2 years later, the same press in all their echo chamber have magically changed their opinion.. 

The tides are certainly changing.  But even in the face of the truth coming out, will it be enough to make a difference? 


  1. Praying without ceasing for Truth to prevail… as it has been said ”an enemy exposed IS an enemy Defeated”🙏🏻🔥‼️

  2. Our solution will not be found in our selecteds, but in We, The People. Praying for justice to prevail. Praying for warriors like Garland Favorito.


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