CIA, federal agencies and Social Media Ties

How bad is the the government social media collision?

Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai attempted to expose the social media collusion with the federal agencies conspiring to silence conservatives.  

We know ..

"Facebook has hired dozens of ex-CIA agents (+ many more from the FBI & Department of Defense) to run content moderation & security. It becomes difficult to see where the US national security state ends & Facebook begins." -General McInerney 

Time Magazine admitted..

"...That’s why the participants want the secret history of the 2020 election told, even though it sounds like a paranoid fever dream–a well-funded cabal of powerful people, ranging across industries and ideologies, working together behind the scenes to influence perceptions, change rules and laws, steer media coverage and control the flow of information. They were not rigging the election; they were fortifying it. And they believe the public needs to understand the system’s fragility in order to ensure that democracy in America endures.'

The Communications Decency Act is how social media gets around silencing conservatives. It absolves all social media platforms from any accountability or liability. The Act allows anti-conservative propaganda to ruin or silence conservatives. The excuse to silence is labeled “safety concerns”.  

Google is already helping the government write, and rewrite, history:

4,601 requests from U.S. government agencies for "user data"

Google complied with government requests for user data 94% of the time.

1,421 requests for "content removal"

Google complied with content removal requests 87% of the time.

15 requests were from "executive, police etc."

1 was a national security request


2003, Google began customizing its search engine under a special contract with the CIA.

In 2005, it was revealed that a US intelligence agency was working to “leverage Google’s [user] data monitoring” capability as part of an effort to acquire data of “national security intelligence interest.”

In 2007, the Washington Post reported that Google was selling the government new “enhanced versions of Google Earth” and “search engines that can be used internally by agencies.”

In 2010, Google signed an agreement with the NSA giving the agency open-ended access to the personal information of its users, and its hardware and software, in the name of cyber security.

In 2012, NSA chief Gen. Keith Alexander emailed Brin to discuss information sharing for national security. In those emails, Gen. Alexander described Google as a “key member of [the US military’s] Defense Industrial Base.”

Unholy Alliances

William Gerald "Jerry" Boykin was a retired American lieutenant general who was the United States Deputy Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence under President George W. Bush (died in 2020).

Boykin was upset  the Southern Poverty Law Center working with Amazon or Twitter, but he’s even more alarmed about the far left group’s partnering with the FBI to go after conservatives.  

“I think the FBI is making a terrible mistake by doing this, given the track record of the Southern Poverty Law Center,” said Mr. Boykin.  We can was working with the Family Research Council, a Christian organization put on the SPLC's hate group list. 

Something must be done about the collusion with these federal agencies and social media before we end up a formerly free country. 


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