Chicago Voters no longer want to be a Sanctuary City?

Residents of Chicago are now questioning why they voted for Joe Biden.   Apparently many of them didn't believe open borders would have impacted them since they are not a border state.  

One Chicago resident had this to say, 

"Why would any leader put our black communities, already riddled with crime, at further risk by placing unvetted, non taxpayers steps away from our seniors, our children, and our homes we’ve worked so hard on our own to secure?” 

Video Link: One resident sums up the outrage

"I was put on a wait list and was told that'll immigrants will get priority (on this list)."

Chicago is a Sanctuary City? Chicago's Welcoming City Ordinance means that the City will not ask about your immigration status, disclose that information to authorities, or, most importantly, deny you City services based on your immigration status. ( website)

Chicagoans were shouting, “We don’t care.” “We don’t want them here.” “Send them back.” “Close the border.”

Despite what the local government and Democrat leaders are saying, Chicagoans no longer want to be a sanctuary city if it means becoming a second class citizen to the beneficiaries of open borders.


  1. Sometimes people can't relate to something until it directly affects them. Hopefully, they will start voting Republican!


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