HIV Conspiracy or Cover-up?

Amid the fact-check blunder era of government silencing in America it is time to revisit the HIV  conspiracy. 

December 11, 2020, The New York Times admitted, Australia Scraped a  Covid-19 Vaccine that produced H.I.V. false positives.  Live Science admitted "The vaccine contained small fragments of an HIV protein, which helped stabilize the vaccine."

Researchers from the George Washington University show how an HIV protein permanently alters immune cells in a way that causes them to overreact to other pathogens.

The Associated Press admitted that Dr. Francis Boyle was the first person to publicly state all over the world on Jan. 24, 2020 that the COVID-19 was an offensive biological warfare weapon with gain-of-function properties.

COVID CLAIM: Dr Francis Boyle insists the coronavirus is a genetically engineered bioweapon that escaped from a high-level lab in Wuhan, China. He maintains it shows signs of nanotechnological tinkering and the insertion of proteins from HIV, the human immunodeficiency virus. He alleges that U.S. researchers helped create it, and that thousands of doctors, scientists, and elected leaders are conspiring to hide the truth.

Prashant Pradhan, Ashutosh Kumar Pandey, Akhilesh Mishra, Parul Gupta, Praveen Kumar Tripathi, Manoj Balakrishnan Menon, James Gomes, Perumal Vivekanandan, Bishwajit Kundu all researchers  from Kusuma School of Biological Sciences in IIT Delhi


We are currently witnessing a major epidemic caused by the 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV). The evolution of 2019-nCoV remains elusive. We found 4 insertions in the spike glycoprotein (S) which are unique to the 2019-nCoV and are not present in other coronaviruses. Importantly, amino acid residues in all the 4 inserts have identity or similarity to those in the HIV-1 gp120 or HIV-1 Gag. Interestingly, despite the inserts being discontinuous on the primary amino acid sequence, 3D-modelling of the 2019-nCoV suggests that they converge to constitute the receptor binding site. The finding of 4 unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV, all of which have identity /similarity to amino acid residues in key structural proteins of HIV-1 is unlikely to be fortuitous in nature. This work provides yet unknown insights on 2019-nCoV and sheds light on the evolution and pathogenicity of this virus with important implications for diagnosis of this virus.

The research done by the Indian researchers has been pulled multiple times for unknown reasons.. however, a Nobel Peace prize award-winning scientist agreed with their research.  : “We have arrived at the conclusion that this virus was created.” He claimed that “molecular biologists” inserted DNA sequences from HIV into a coronavirus, “probably” as part of their work to find a vaccine against AIDS, " said Luc Montagnier, who won the Nobel Prize in 2008 for his work on HIV.  

WARNING!!  In October of 2015, the European Academies’ Science Advisory Council released a 45-page document stating the dangers of Gain of function-experimental applications and potential safety and security implications.

The US began an offensive biological weapons programme in 1942, based at Camp Detrick (later Fort Detrick). This programme continued until 1969, when President Nixon announced that all biological weapons production should stop and all existing stocks be destroyed.  But did they stop?  

Senator Rand Paul said he felt validated after the NIH admitted it funding gain of function test at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. And many Congressional hearings, Dr Fauci denied gain a function research in his agency.  However, in 2012, Dr Fauci, the head of the NIAID, said gain of function research has been 'integral' to basic research.  So why the denial?

In 2017, The NIH liftted a 3-year ban on funding risky virus studies.  

New proposals that make pathogens more dangerous will go through special review

The villified but vindicated Dr Francis Boyle communicated this to me, "20 Million have died and counting. We could have saved Millions if the Truth had been let out at the beginning of the Pandemic."

When I asked Dr. Boyle if someone is going to jail for violating the Bioterrorism law responded, "I have been working over a year on that."

Apparently the media fact checkers need fact-checked.  


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